5G addition to the speed ten times faster than 4G | What are the enhancements?
Believe that focus on electronic products, love science and technology you must be on '5G' is no stranger to the term since last year has been being hyped communication technology will always come into our sight, and in the just-concluded CES, Qualcomm Around 5G for us depicts a tentacle full of science and technology of the future.
 Now let's imagine that the 5G may be just as we imagined 4G in the 3G era, in addition to the speed seems impossible to imagine 4G compared to 3G in other ways what can be improved. 5G speed comparable cheetah (Figure source: infoxmation) Indeed, according to theoretical data, 5G transfer rate will be able to achieve 1Gb / s, more than ten times faster than the current 4G, which means using 5G technology to download a 1GB HD movie in just 10 seconds can be downloaded! So 5G technically in the end what changes can make it compared to the speed of 4G there is a 'qualitative' leap it? In addition to faster, 5G compared to 4G what other aspects of the upgrade? 5G more than 4G '1G' (Source: outfresh) Next, I will show you what 5G out more than 4G '1G' in the end hidden what secret.
Millimeter wave is the key to speed As we all know, now we use the phone to send and receive signals is electromagnetic waves, but because of The frequency of electromagnetic waves is limited, the electromagnetic waves used in different work can not interfere with each other, Therefore, the global unification negotiation divides the limited electromagnetic wave frequency into different uses. For example, the extremely low frequency is applied to the ultra-long-distance navigation and the highest frequency is applied to the waveguide communication. Radio frequency of the band (Source: wendangwang) And we use mobile communications Electromagnetic wave Frequency, is assigned to the IF - UHF. In simple terms, from 2G to 3G until 5G, in fact, is the increasing frequency. As the frequency increases, the frequency band is also gradually widened. Bandwidth of the three major carriers' network format (Source: sparkandshine) For example, 4G period, the frequency band that our country operator adopts is roughly 2555-2575MHz. And 5G is mainly used in the world at present 28GHz experimenting. Very intuitive to see 5G compared to the 4G band is not only an order of magnitude higher. If we put the frequency into the formula of light speed and wavelength will get very interesting results to 5G 28GHz example:
Take 28GHz as an example to calculate the wavelength Then we can conclude that the wavelength at 5G is about 10.7mm (millimeter), which is what we often say about 5G millimeter waves.
5G and 4G image contrast (Figure source: 163) However, it should be noted that although millimeter-wave can bring greater transmission speed, millimeter-wave also has a fatal disadvantage -Millimeter wave In the air attenuation greater, and the diffraction ability is weaker .In brief, the use of millimeter wave signal through the wall is very difficult. In order to solve this problem, we must use micro-base station technology.
This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: 5G addition to the speed of 10 times faster than 4G What are the enhancements? Http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761707.html
The micro base station enables users to obtain signals evenly
Earlier, due to the poor penetrability of 5G millimeter wave and the great attenuation in the air, if 5G still uses the 'macro base station' used in 3G and 4G in the past, it can not provide enough Signal protection.
 Micro base station (Picture quoted from Linfen Daily) In order to deal with this difficulty, 5G began to use a new base station - micro base station. As the name suggests, Micro base station to do small enough base stations. To be easier to understand Macro base station and Micro base station difference We use an image of the heating analogy Macro base station and micro base station. Acer base 'heating' Program (picture from Sina blog)
Macro base station: In a cold winter, there is only one hot stove in a class, so the teacher can warm up the class Hot stove placed in the middle of the class. The result was contrary to expectations, the class did not heat up as a whole, just the distance Few students near the stove are warm (in fact, they may already have a burning sensation because the temperature is too high) and students at the edge of the class who are far away from the stove may not feel the temperature of the stove at all, and the frozen shiver. Micro base station 'Heating' program (picture from Sina blog)
Micro base station: If we will be above the class center hot Stove 'split', divided into four or five stoves, although each small stove less powerful than the original large furnace , But we will be these few small The stoves are divided into different areas of the class , So everyone can feel the warmth. and so, Micro base station Not only in size is much smaller than Macro base station , Will also be reduced in power consumption. You may want to ask, why Acer base station antenna are so big, Micro-base station antenna is so small? Or extended, why in the past we have a long cell phone antenna, and now our cell phone have no antenna?
 The relationship between the length of the antenna and the wavelength
This is because, as the frequency is gradually increased, the corresponding wavelength of the frequency is gradually shortened, and the antenna is shortened! According to the experimental data, the length of the antenna is about 1/10 ~ 1/4. Therefore, 5G millimeter wave, also makes the antenna reached the level of 'mm'.
This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: 5G addition to the speed of 10 times faster than 4G What are the enhancements? Http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761707.html The above is about Apple iPhoneX product evaluation reports, the Apple iPhoneX appearance, screen, camera, battery life, performance and other follow-up content, please continue to focus on Zhongguancun Online Apple iPhoneX evaluation reports.
M assive MIMO make Bandwidth capacity to enhance several times The 'mm' antenna in the 5G era offers the huge benefit of placing more antennas in tiny base stations.
MIMO technology (Source: wikimedia) This uses MIMO technology, the full name in English is Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, which means 'more into more', to put it bluntly, the antenna of the base station more, and the acceptance of mobile phones has also become stronger, the source of multiple Antenna to send, receive the object of multiple antennas to accept. The 5G because it can put more antennas, it has become an enhanced version of the Mive (Massive) MIMO technology. Old Large Antenna Base Station (Pictures from the Internet) Although the 4G technology has already started to use MIMO technology, 4G antennas generally use four antennas in the 4G period, and most of the eight antennas are antennas. Therefore, the 'massive and massive' Massive MIMO antennas have not been realized.
5G M assive MIMO (Source: sharetechnote) By the time of 5G, when the frequency is at 30Ghz, the base station can use up to 256 antennas to send and receive signals at the same time, and the 5G can use The bandwidth capacity of mobile networks has been increased by tens of times or more.
This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: 5G addition to the speed of 10 times faster than 4G What are the enhancements? Http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761707.html The above is about Apple iPhoneX product evaluation reports, the Apple iPhoneX appearance, screen, camera, battery life, performance and other follow-up content, please continue to focus on Zhongguancun Online Apple iPhoneX evaluation reports.
Signal like a flashlight 'Accurately crack' users Although now the signal and antenna problems are solved, but there is a problem 5G plagued us, that is, when we emit the signal can not be as aimless radiation as 4G, although there is a large coverage, but the utilization However, there are highs and lows. Can we use 'accurate strike' only for those in need so as to save resources?
4G-like light signal transmission form (picture from the Internet) In other words, 4G is like an electric light. After the electric light is turned on, the light of '4G' will be covered regardless of the need of light in one place, which has caused the waste of resources to a certain extent.
Beamforming technology (Picture quoted from mbcom) To 5G, in order to solve this resource waste behavior, began to use beamforming technology.
What is beamforming? Let's look at the Wikipedia explanation: Beamforming, also known as beamforming and spatial filtering, is a signal processing technique that uses a sensor array to send and receive signals in a directional manner. Beamforming technology adjusts the parameters of the basic unit of the phase array so that angles The signal is constructively constructive and the signals at other angles are destructively interfered, and beamforming can be used both for the signal transmitter and the signal receiver.
 5G like a flashlight signal transmission form (picture from the Internet) Simply put, the 5G turns a 4G light into a 'flashlight,' and if you turn on the 5G 'flashlight' in a dark room, he will not make the entire room light but look for a specific, desired direction Hit
This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: 5G addition to the speed of 10 times faster than 4G What are the enhancements? Http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761707.html The above is about Apple iPhoneX product evaluation reports, the Apple iPhoneX appearance, screen, camera, battery life, performance and other follow-up content, please continue to focus on Zhongguancun Online Apple iPhoneX evaluation report.
D2D technology enables point-to-point communication between terminals Another leading 5G place is cellular network-based D2D communications, also known as proximity services, through which user data can be transmitted directly between two endpoints without a base station transfer.
D2D communication network architecture diagram (Figure source: zte) Use D2D technology, kill two birds for you - that can save a lot of air resources, but also reduce the pressure on the base station. However, do not think that you can escape the 'clutches' of operators, so you do not have to pay for your traffic, because the total signal control and resource allocation are still regulated by the base station. Therefore, we still have to pay the operators obediently . In general, 5G is only 1G more than 4G, but this '1G' contains a lot of content and progress. Whether it is bandwidth or base station, 5G has a 'qualitative' leap compared to 4G .
Although 5G is still a long way from our daily life, now it is like Like quiet silence on the eve of a storm, once you wait 5G The storm strikes, driverless, Internet of things that are closely linked with our daily lives and technology products will be together with the 5G subversion of our daily lives. Of course, the most important thing is to improve the speed of internet.
This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: 5G addition to the speed of 10 times faster than 4G What are the enhancements? Http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761707.html The above is about Apple iPhoneX product evaluation reports, the Apple iPhoneX appearance, screen, camera, battery life, performance and other follow-up content, please continue to focus on Zhongguancun Online Apple iPhoneX evaluation reports.