On January 25, the "Kigali Refrigeration Energy Efficiency - China Project" led by the US Energy Foundation was officially launched in Beijing. More than 60 representatives from the Chinese government, international organizations, research institutes, industry associations and enterprises witnessed Start the project.

In order to protect the planet's 'umbrella' ozone layer, the international community concluded the Montreal Protocol in 1987. For nearly 30 years, nearly 90% of the world's ozone-depleting substances have been phased out and manufactured under the Montreal Protocol, Ozone depletion is effectively curtailed and it is expected that at the end of this century, at least 100 million cases of skin cancer and millions of cataract patients will be avoided, achieving enormous environmental, health and climate effects.
While the global phase-out of ozone-depleting substances is taking place, HFCs, as their substitutes, are being widely used as refrigerants and insulation materials in refrigerators, air-conditioners and other products. Despite their harmless ozone layer, such strong The greenhouse effect potential (GHG) of greenhouse gases is hundreds of thousands of times that of carbon dioxide, and its emissions are increasing at the rate of 10% per annum, ranking the first among all kinds of greenhouse gases.
In order to effectively control such substances, which have a great detrimental effect on the ecology of the earth, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol reached the Kigali amendment in October 2016 and agreed to make global reductions in HFCs. According to the United Nations Environment Program, Reducing emissions of HFCs under the framework of Kigali is expected to prevent a global warming of 0.5 degrees Celsius by the end of this century.
As of November 2017, the Kigali Amendment has reached its entry into force and will come into effect on January 1, 2019. By the end of 2017, 18 foundations had launched the Kigali Refrigeration Energy Efficiency Project (K-CEP) 'And pledged to provide 52 million U.S. dollars for the project implementation to help developing countries to upgrade their refrigeration and energy efficiency and use more climate-friendly refrigerants to promote market transformation.
According to the data from China Household Electrical Appliances Association, China's total output of household air conditioners in 2016 was 112 million units, accounting for more than 75% of the world's total output. About 45% of these were exported to overseas markets, In addition, China also mass-produced rotary compressors, multi-type air conditioners, chillers, centralized HVAC and other equipment.
China's production of air-conditioning equipment, refrigerant replacement and energy efficiency will have a huge impact on the global market.According to the Energy Foundation and the United States Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory estimates that if China's domestic and commercial air conditioning energy efficiency levels by 2020 30 %, By 2050, its cumulative emission reduction of greenhouse gases is equivalent to a reduction of 52.1Gt of carbon dioxide emissions, which is equivalent to saving the generating capacity of 22 Three Gorges Dam.

Hal Harvey, CEO of Energy Innovation
Hal Harvey, chief executive of energy innovation, said: 'China is very advanced in the industry and has also started to walk around the world in terms of policies.' 'It will win in China and the whole world will win.'
With the support of the Kigali Refrigeration and Energy Efficiency Project, the Energy Foundation takes the lead in implementing the 'Kigali Refrigeration Energy Efficiency - China Project', which is designed to support the development of China's refrigeration energy efficiency strategies and policies, refrigeration equipment energy efficiency standards and labeling, Market transformation and other activities to help China use climate-friendly refrigerants while cooling energy efficiency and reduce the use of HFCs so that by 2020 China will increase the market share of efficient and climate-friendly refrigeration products by 10- 15% to help China fulfill its international commitments and achieve green low-carbon development.The project will be jointly implemented by the Energy Foundation and relevant government departments, research institutes, NGOs, industry associations, manufacturers and retailers in China with a project cycle of 2018-2020.

Dan Hamza-Goodacre, Executive Director, Office of Refrigeration & Efficiency Project, Kigali
Dan Hamza-Goodacre, executive director of the Kigali Office for Refrigeration and Energy Efficiency, said that China will make greater contribution to the goal of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through the implementation of more proactive policies and stronger industry standards At the same time, actively encouraging technological innovation and promoting the improvement of refrigeration energy efficiency will also make China a global leader in efficient and low GWP refrigeration product markets.

National Development and Reform Commission, Wang Shancheng, deputy director of resource conservation and environmental protection department
Wang Shancheng, deputy director of the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the implementation of the "Kigali Refrigeration Energy Efficiency - China Project" will play an active role in improving energy efficiency in China's air conditioners and the entire household appliance industry.

Signing Ceremony for Proposal on Promoting the Improvement of Refrigeration Energy Efficiency in China
At the launch meeting, the Energy Foundation, China National Institute of Standardization, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, China Household Electrical Appliances Association, China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association, Hefei General Machinery Research Institute and other institutions and units signed the "Proposal for Promoting China's Refrigeration Energy Efficiency Improvement" , Jointly supported the promotion of energy efficiency in China's refrigeration sector and the realization of climate-friendly refrigerant alternatives, contributing to the achievement of global climate change goals.

Energy Foundation (United States) Beijing office president Zou Ji
Zou Ji, president of Energy Foundation's (Beijing) office in the United States, said that the Energy Foundation and many other partners have initiated an initiative to promote the improvement of China's refrigeration and energy efficiency, and jointly helped to enhance the energy efficiency of China's refrigeration industry and achieve the climate-friendly alternative to refrigerants. Green development, and the "Made in China 2025" strategy to make a useful contribution.

Dou Yanwei, Deputy Secretary General of China Household Electrical Appliances Association
Dou Yanwei, deputy secretary general of China Household Electrical Appliances Association, said that environmental protection and energy saving are the inevitable trends for the development of the room air conditioner industry in China and even in the world. Kigali Refrigeration Energy Efficiency - The China Project pays attention to these two hot issues at the same time and believes that the implementation of this project will China's room air conditioner industry healthy and sustainable development has played a positive role in promoting.