Seize the time to lose weight in winter, spring and summer can show a better body, what sports can be thin back, minus the excess fat it back?

Vertical push-ups
Hold your hands tightly against the wall and stand forward leaning forward, keeping your arms parallel to the ground. Then tighten your back, tighten your abs and slowly lower your body to the lowest possible position for 10 seconds, then slowly Push back to its original position, doing at least 15 vertical push-ups every time, practicing everyday.
Supine thin back
Supine, legs close together, the rubber band sets in the soles of the feet.Lower slowly lift up the right foot, let the abdomen squeeze hard.Leave the leg straight, gently pull the rubber band, so that the rubber band as close as possible to the body. This action 5 times, and then change legs practice.

Dumbbell exercise thin back
Hold dumbbell with both hands, palm toward the inside of the body.Adjust breathing, exhale to the maximum height of the dumbbell, feel the back of the stretch.Inspiratory, slowly down the dumbbell.To practice this action repeatedly, until the arm sour.

Paddle practice
In addition to not miss any chance of a rowing, you can also imitate paddle action at home.It is recommended that you put on the music, sometimes fast and slow to adjust the frequency of the action, so that you can make the exercise more interesting after doing paddling exercises Do some substantial swerving action to strengthen the back of the deep muscles.Note that when swivel arms to swing naturally with the body.