Recently, MyMiniFactory and Esso launched the new 3D Design Challenge and provided the BCN3D Sigmax 3D printer as the first prize. The design brief required the submission of widely used aluminum beverage cans and re-adjustment of its use. Explained by Christoph Fay, Marketing Manager, Esso Say: 'We sold a lot of drinks at the Esso gas station. We also believe that every detail of Esso is important. If recycling helps our customers to reuse jars, this helps us a lot.' ![]() In fact, aluminum cans like this are one of the most common consumer products in the world. Nearly 6700 cans are thrown away every second. An example of how to use 3D printing to upgrade beverage cans is given on the MyMiniFactory Contest page Some earlier designs included converting cans to bird feeders, modular storage, or even watering cans, and encouraging the design of beverage can accessories. Designers need to share their creations with the label #FuelingInnovation and mark @MyMiniFactory @Esso_GB @ bcn3dtech. According to Esso, 3D printing is driving innovation and innovation is a way of thinking, and we're always looking for new ideas and new ideas , Which ultimately enriches the customer's fueling experience. ' MyMiniFactory said the contest is also a chance for 3D designers to get more fans.MyMiniFactory wrote on the competition page: 'The design entered may be used in marketing activities after the competition, which is the first time the 3D printing community has That's a chance, so it's time to tell us what you want! "Esso's Christophe Fay added," The proposed subject may eventually be offered to our clients for promotion. " This Esso-sponsored tournament is the first such partnership between the two companies. 'MyMiniFactory is a small, innovative company we think we can learn from,' said Christophe Fay. 'The business ecosystem is diverse, We believe diversity brings a lot to the business and we want to work with such companies. ' The BCN3D Sigmax 3D Printer expands the functionality of the popular Sigma desktop 3D printer to print at 420x297x210mm. The FDM 3D Printer also features a dual extrusion system that allows printing of multiple colors or materials. In addition to making the world's largest source of energy One of the companies to see your design work, runner-up users get a STARTT 3D printer. The competition will run until February 14, 2018 and will be open to residents over 18 years of age in Australia, Europe and North America. Article Source: 3D Tiger |