Carbon is one of a group of companies that implement hardware, software and materials to do their job of getting the best and the end result, not only to generate software updates every six weeks, but also to quickly understand the simulations to take full advantage of each design Iteration is crucial, "said Roy Goldman, Carbon's director of software." Carbon's software created a digital canvas with every cubic millimeter of parts designed, controlled and optimized before it can be printed. " ![]() Simulation of key positioning, support Carbon's latest software release offers three enhancements: Advanced automatic support, auto-generated support structure layout, carefully adjusted to reduce the pressure accumulation; 'Guardrail Support' design, attached to the edge of the part, minimizes material usage and attachment point artifacts; Faster simulations using cloud-based resources, reducing simulation time from days to hours. Kirby Freeman, software product manager at Carbon, said Advanced Auto-Support creates an optimized support structure layout for expected stresses based on finite element analysis (FEA), as well as a manual support design option that is calculated locally on the printer, allowing users to choose between Classic 'bar' or newer 'fence' type structure All the tools can be applied in one part, so the user can fine tune as needed.She said: 'We encourage users to analyze many of the directions of their individual parts to find ways to satisfy them The direction of demand. The clear visualization of real-time 3D printed components in the layout volume means that complex mathematics and engineering are achieved with cloud-based computing solutions Not only is the support structure derived from the part geometry, such as building a given point above the platform The height also depends on the mechanical properties of the build material. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulation uses moving-domain analysis to model Carbon's Digital Light Synthesis (DLS) technology to the micron scale throughout the build process and then to predict potential warpage or cracking. For a given component orientation, the software calculates Where support rods or fence structures are placed to eliminate these problems, users do not need to understand the gridding strategy, the green strength of the build material, or the physical properties of the DLS itself. Digitally made bigger plans Carbon uses the phrase 'dynamic tuning' to describe how a simulation process produces an excellent support structure for designs that iterate over hours, and users will see improved surface finishes, greater precision of part edges, and savings in material consumption. Freeman points out: 'Smart-derived support structures help solve problems, but that's just the beginning of the story, and we're trying to stay ahead of the product the customer wants to produce. Simulation is a bigger story; we know that the industry needs tools that not only Instead of focusing on a single prototype, people design new geometries and then manufacture thousands of parts in an efficient and cost-effective way, a major step toward bringing design and manufacturing tools to 3D printing. Article Source: 3D Tiger |