Jobs released in 1976 AppleAnnounce personal computer The arrival of the era. August 12, 1981, IBM released PC 5150 , The 5150 became a model for the future of the PC industry.I did not realize that you noticed that no keyboard appeared early on these PCs, as if it was supposed to be here. ![]() But nothing is born, and many of the elements that contributed to the direct appearance of the keyboard on the PC, and their story has been washed away by the color of today. Today BrotherYi tell you the old story before the keyboard and look forward to the future Where can the keyboard go? Mechanical era gifts Speaking of the history of the keyboard, then the first lesson must be around but the typewriter and its character layout, almost a century and a half ago, we can slowly listen. In 1860, the American Christopher Lazar Shoals made the first typewriter that can actually be used, a total of 78 keys.This typewriter can be used to replace text by hand, but can not see the text in real time Misspelled.
Fortunately, Scholes later partners also have good experience in the development of typewriters, a few people together to set up companies to improve technology, developed the QWERTY Quti typewriter layout. 1874 American Shox & Gordon typewriter officially entered the market, At that time the typewriter was a mighty hegemony, the key layout is also very rich and varied.US the QWERTY layout, the French AZERTY layout, the QZERTY layout in Italy and Germany also idle QWERTZ layout.However, these Latin languages, put a good 26 sequential letters (A-Z) No, why use out-of-order layout?
Because mechanical technology was not perfect at that time, the keystrokes bounced back slowly after hitting, and once the typist keystroke speed was too fast, the two keystrokes were prone to twisting together. The typist must be careful with his hands To restore them separately, which seriously affected the speed of text input.
One has come up with a way to reduce the occurrence of stranded keys with 'out-of-order' characters, except that this design must result in inefficient input of characters (as opposed to sequential keystrokes). 'Out of order' design is not really random arrangement of the button position, but rather to ensure the typewriter internal collision probability is not high, try to make the button layout can be easy to use.
The advent of typewriters increased the speed of human writing in the late nineteenth century, though it was not until the early 1900s that universal acceptance of typewriters was introduced, a typewriter that has a tremendous and far-reaching impact on the subsequent 100 years of word transmission. Keyboard at The design idea is And typewriter The same typewriter is now the reference model of the keyboard.Earlier typewriter is by tapping the lever corresponding to different characters, the front of the lever corresponding to the prominent characters and then in the solid 'fight' to the ink ribbon and paper for copying Leaving the mark.Now the keyboard is also by tapping to open the circuit board, circuit board corresponding to generate a variety of specific signals, the computer recognizes the signal and then converted into ASCII characters we can recognize the Latin characters displayed on the screen, Our input method then compiled into a variety of Latin characters into non-Latin languages. Remove the compile phase, the keyboard input text is indeed the idea of typewriter. The winner of the new layout? Dvorak The greatest impact of typewriters on future generations should be Character layout The QWERTY character layout now has a very nice official name of 'International standard keyboard layout '(Everybody loves to call it the transliteration of the keyboard layout of Curtis.) However, in 1986, Sir Bruce Burriman said in his "wonderful writing machine":'QWERTY arrangement is very inefficient For example, most typists are right-handed, but with QWERTY, the left hand shoulders 57% of the job, and the little-known finger and the left-third finger are the least powerful fingers, but frequently use them. The usage rate only accounts for about 30% of the whole typing work, therefore, in order to type a word, it is often necessary to move the finger up and down. Carefully observe the order of the keyboard, the most commonly used letters in English TCN Far from the flexible index finger, commonly used ALO Exactly Inability in the ring finger in charge of the region It is said that proficient English typists are employed eight hours a day in Curtie On the keyboard of Movement distance can reach More than 20 kilometers I think that is true in the case of typewriters and keyboards that do not have to think of a twisty key when typing in English. Someone long ago wanted to reform the character layout scheme to solve the problem of the curt keyboard English input inefficiency, but the current success is only Dvorak layout.
The Dvorak layout was laid out by Dr. August Dvorak and his brother-in-law Dr. William Dealey in 1936. Dvorak and Dealey, after perhaps 20 years of research, released the layout specifically for English input. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Designing the Dvorak keyboard as the next-generation standard keyboard layout in 1982, the Dvorak layout is now one of the American standard layouts.
Dvorak layout to put Commonly used of English characters most Put on the index finger and middle finger Can touch directly to the place, The right hand also bear the dominant hand should have 57%Of the character input Proponents of the Dvorak layout insist that using Dvorak layout effectively reduces typing mistakes when entering English and reduces the amount of hand movement to reduce repetitive strain, but it is not yet objective Third-party empirical To verify this statement, BrotherYi I have not tried to use Dvorak layout for a long time playing English, not good to give subjective judgments. BrotherYi can only tell everyone U.S. official right Dvorak layout promotion is not very focused , Kitty layout or the mainstream layout approved by the American people. And Curtis layout is not just a layout so simple, behind it contains a lot of things to Russia, for example, Russia's main ethnic groups are Slavic, Slavic languages in the past only verbal languages without written language until the 9th century , Christian missionaries Cyrillic and Medivh Sias for the convenience of preaching in the Slavic For the Slavic design 33 letters, spread so far the Slavic language is now mainly written using Cyrillic letters, and Russian is no exception.
In 1971, the former Soviet Union completed the standardization of Roman tone and the translation of 26 Latin alphabets for Russian. This matter is no less Russian than Russian to Christian missions in Eastern Europe. Russians can now use the standard keyboard to enter Russian in computers. Ability to acquire the ability to record their own language in the new era. To get your own text in the electronic world Non-Latino countries risk both cultural alienation and standardization of the romanization of their national languages to ASCII. (American Standard Code for Information Interchange, US Standard Information Interchange Code, now the standard code for international character conversion). After paying these, Cody's keyboard was open to them. It may be said that the abstract is too abstract, and the Bible contains such a story that can explain the importance of universal language. The story is that human language interoperability, unity and unity, growing prosperity, in order to highlight the greatness of mankind decided to build A Babylon is more like God than God, and as God sees the Tower of Babel rising higher and higher, God> makes people separate from each other's language and the human tower of Babel collapses. Speaking so much, in order to facilitate everyone to understand, BrotherYi summed up a bit: their own language Roman phonetic and character conversion is good, QWERTY layout has been enough for modern office use. We do not have to envy the so-called Dvorak scientific layout, different The text has its own different commonly used keys. Must be based on the input habits of their own characters and characters, and then transform a keyboard character layout, this is not just to change a person's habits, or to change a race's habits, the trouble is very Hard to say clearly. Early mechanical computer and the keyboard of the knot Finish the transformation of the layout, we may think of a problem: be English country Tucao for the inefficient Keodi layout design why it is used Electronic computer age This? Have to say Teletypewriter versus Early mechanical computer. Teletypewriter As its name implies, it is a typewriter for transmitting and receiving electrical signals. The electric typewriter can perform point-to-point and point-to-point text transmission and reception via a wired circuit and a radio network.We can think of the electric typewriter as an evolutionary version of a radiotelephone. The telegraph is a lot more buttons at the same time Morse code of Dotted pause password idea Evolutionary to use Enter the characters directly From the password to the code here condensed a lot of scientists' efforts, due to limited space articles we do not repeat them.
Go straight to the point, early Mainframe computer and minicomputer Yes (the computer here Not mean Now the context default electronic calculator But early Mechanical calculator for data statistics , When the mechanical calculator has been able to complete more statistics, tabulation, record the work) No interactive interface At that time can only be used Punch card (Punch Card very raw data storage device) and teletypewriter as the data exchange equipment.What is a punch card? Punch card (also known as perforated card / Hurricane card / IBM card), is a piece of cardboard, Use known and unknown holes to represent digital information.
In 1884, Horrese produced the first tabulation machine based on the structure of Gerrard's weaving machine, equipped with a counter that, when the punch card was pulled and moved, moved through the drum runner The surface, the counter circuit is turned on, to complete a cumulative statistics, this is the early punch card computer was a punch card computer statistics by the effectiveness of the United States Bureau of Statistics favoritism, the Bureau of purchase large quantities of punch card computer In the work of demographic work, Horrellith therefore became the government guest.
1896 Herman Horieres founded the Tabulating Machine Company (TMC), which continues to provide the U.S. government with tabulators and punch computers for a large amount of data statistics. Was bought by financier Charles R. Flint and restructured with three other International Time Recording Companies, the Computing Scale Company of America, and the Bundy Manufacturing Company The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) was renamed CTR in 1924 and is now the IBM giant for the Blue Business Machines Corporation. IBM did not stop at the government-run phase of simply producing mechanical computers for the TMC era, introducing teletypewriters to watchmaking calculators, thus providing a one-stop data processing service for part-time government work in tabulation, recording and transmission. As we all know later, IBM plunged into the world of electronic computers. The era of mechanical calculators, the teletype, was also preserved in the electronic age as a keyboard.
typewriter (typewriter) -Teletypewriter (teletypewriter ) -keyboard (computer keyboard) with almost a hundred years Of the time to complete this transformation, the keyboard after tens of thousands of dangers came to the computer this piece of the West.But does not mean that the keyboard is the full form of the typewriter, Teletypewriter Now it has evolved printer , fax machine Continue to serve everyone. PC era The keyboard finally embraces the public In the past, when the age of large-scale electronic computers was still largely met by the needs of both government and international corporations, the thirst for input speed became even more intense as personal computers thrived and Microsoft's windows operating system shone.
At this time the keyboard also followed the times with some minor adjustments, the larger events have windows and Macintosh (Apple's operating system) operation to replace the dos system, for this gold increase win / option key; low-cost film The keyboard beat the mechanical keyboard that imitated the typewriter structure to become the mainstream in a period (in recent years, the mechanical keyboard has warmed up again); the small red dot added on the thinkpad's laptop keyboard won the praise in the time-insensitive touchpad; E-gaming in 2013 or so re-fire up ....... There may be netizens than I am more cattle X, to be able to re-press a push here, see good to close.
In recent years, vendors have fallen into the dilemma of increasing the input speed without changing the layout of keyboard characters. They have adopted the old method of adding key bits and macro programming. Logitech G910 RGB E-commerce price Loading... Race Core APEX M800E-commerce price Loading...
Razer Black Widow Spider Symphony Version V2E-commerce price Loading... One of the major keyboard manufacturers' flagship products has an extra button product line. We often don't like these odd-shaped extra buttons, thinking that they break the perfect 104-input pattern of the keyboard and affect the daily typing experience. Manufacturers set these extra lines. The key is to hope that the user can input more quickly. What is counterproductive is that ordinary users generally do not buy these expensive flagship keyboards. Razer Talos konjac illusion version of the game keyboard Electricity supplier price Loading... and There is purchasing power of Buyer Let them buy these products back Explore Macro Programming Does it make them feel that the service is less than home? Extra keyboard keys Requires additional materials and more sophisticated circuit design, Cost price Grid will certainly rise a lot, while willing to pay this sum is BigBoss, can not allow them to waste too much time to learn the macro key drive depth and now Different software Runtime will be Occupy each other combination keys This brings Key conflict and also Poor use More is one waiting to be solved The problem.
To this end BrothYi recommend to everyone my personal shortcuts, friends need to write these combinations into the keyboard macro, or allocated to the extra button, doing so may increase your efficiency. New storm has emerged The future of the keyboard to smart and professional? Some friends may feel these years the keyboard Jiang Lang only make Yes, the physical keyboard has not been fundamentally changed for a long time, virtual keyboard with Voice input Are challenging physical keyboard input text status, Kinnet Somatosensory and VR device These smart devices are also diverting part of the game keyboard input function. So many years have passed keyboard Still waiting for a chance to complete the next round of evolution or become museum exhibits over time. HTC Vive VR E-commerce price Loading... I saw the dawn of a deeply customizable smart keyboard on the console deck of the stream deck at elgato.
stream deck can help the anchor to switch and control the sound of both the live and the game at any time, without the anchor to return to the desktop to adjust the sound. The anchor can also use it to insert a variety of pre-set pictures, video and audio in the live broadcast. To switch back and forth between the various software troubles, and stream deck also supports more than 200 key action editing, 15 keys at any time to switch to different action configuration for easy use in different scenes. BrotherYi speculate us The future of the keyboard of Material, technology, shaft, response speed may Will no longer be the focus of trafficking , Intelligent / deep customization Now that there is already a much better macro-processing software for keyboard keys, Autohotkey (AHK) is such a scripting language software that you can now use AHK to open and log in to your favorite webpages at any time, Key to deal with the audio-visual material for automatic processing, a key to receive food (in fact, AHK software is used as a variety of game scripts than office more) .......
If such software scripting language to go further, the keyboard to achieve intelligent automated office is possible. Conclusion: keyboard Has been with the public walked over Half a century , Physical keyboard can also be used as a mainstream input device for how long I know this one some day MX mechanical switches, thin film circuits, capacitance, axis, character layout, keycap height these keyboard terms will become a generation of memory. When the physical keyboard out of the day, if BrotherYi I was still, it is estimated I will use the keyboard to play an article to mourn the old friend's passing. |