Winter less fresh vegetables, but there are a lot of delicious food can be used to lose weight, made delicious as we fit.

Red and green egg custard
Ingredients: 100 grams of tomato, 100 grams of green vegetables, preserved eggs 1, 30 grams of vegetable oil (actual consumption 5 grams), salt, ginger, green onion, MSG, soup, water, soy flour a little.
1. preserved eggs washed and cut into thin slices, washed and peeled tomatoes are also cut into pieces, washed vegetables cut into 2-inch (6 cm) long section.
2 wok lit. The vegetable oil was burned to Bacheng heat, the blisters after the blisters, drain off the excess oil.
3. Add soup in the pot, add ginger.
4. After boiling, add tomato slices and vegetables, add salt, MSG, Shaofei, add chopped green onion can be eaten.

Pumpkin vegetarian curry rice
Ingredients: a small carrot, soybeans 4 two, a small pumpkin, curry piece of a box, a small amount of wine, water 500cc, a spoonful of oil, brown rice four copies
1. The pumpkin seeded, peeling, diced
2. Wash the kernel soybeans spare
3 with a spoonful of salad oil or butter, first carrot into the pan saute
4. Add pumpkin, soybeans, water, pot stew
5. About 20 minutes later, add a little rice wine taste, then add curry blocks
6. until curry melted, pumpkin cooked can be boiled!
7. The pumpkin curry sauce poured on brown rice, that is, into a simple and delicious health food.

Babao cabbage
Ingredients: Chinese cabbage 250 grams, fresh bamboo shoots 50 grams, 50 grams of water, mushrooms, sausage 10 grams, 50 grams of chicken legs, shrimp 10 grams, sesame oil 5 grams, salt, cooking wine, green onion, MSG a little.
1. Wash cabbage, remove the old leaves, yellow leaves, cut into 3 cm or so of the section, with boiling water 淖 about, Lek to water, cool to stand; fresh bamboo shoots, mushrooms cut into sections; chicken, sausage cut Into pieces.
2. The fresh bamboo shoots and mushrooms flat on the side of the bowl, the cabbage on the bowl, and then slices of chicken, sausage films, shrimp on top, put flat steamed into steamed.
3. After adding pot salts, cooking wine, chopped green onion, sesame oil, boiling soup, the top can be eaten.