Old birds and white in the use of computers when more or less will encounter some troubles, and sudden hardware damage is even more troublesome, but also need our attention, so as to avoid unnecessary losses.
Little sister lost can not let the hard disk back pot
In general, most players solve the hardware problem is to solve the problem, Graphics that do not work is a graphics card out of the question, there is a bad disk hard drive bad, everyone knows these hardware is only a backpan.
The power of cement blocks inside is the culprit
In fact, sometimes some of the hardware damage is actually a poor quality power ghosts, Because the output is unstable or the current is not pure and so will seriously affect the work of the hardware even damaged, do not believe? Let us take you to see.
USB device inadvertently black pot
Before the author's temporary host no power, just look for a cottage power supply, after all, i3-6100 power consumption is not high, but once found attached card reader SD card can not be identified, for a card reader does not work, Unfortunately, had to format the SD card, but the frequency of formatting the card a little high, Then it was found that the voltage is less than the USB interface, the rear USB interface can not be used.

Insufficient power supply led USB interface voltage is only 4.46V
Power for the motherboard to provide different voltage, which is mainly +12 V, +5 V and +3.3 V three-way chassis front panel and the motherboard USB interface also comes from the power supply.

Cottage power voltage deviation reached 15.1% serious exceeded
Power specifications for the power requirements of the voltage deviation can not exceed 5%, if the power supply is insufficient, it will lead to some hardware does not work, under normal circumstances can not see at low load, once the load increases, poor power supply voltage will be substantial Decline, the stability of the whole machine will also decline.

Shrinking power supplies easily turn off output at high loads
Performance in actual use, that is, when the user is playing a large game or 3D modeling, the CPU and graphics power consumption increases, poor quality of the power supply due to insufficient output voltage drops, ranging from reduced performance, while the output is turned off Cause the shutdown restart.
Material shrinkage lost little sister
When we evaluate the power supply, we often emphasize what the main capacitor power is, what is the parameter, Because the main capacitor will also affect the machine, especially mechanical hard drive.

400V330 main method of the micro-capacitor
The role of the main capacitor in the power supply is to maintain the power supply for a certain period of time. In the event of an unexpected power outage, the power supply sends a signal to the motherboard and remains powered for about 17 milliseconds thereafter, whereas the hardware including the mechanical hard disk Save work in such a short period of time, hard disk head reset to stop reading and writing data.
Encountering a power outage need to reset the hard disk to avoid damage to the disc
The capacity of the main capacitor is directly related to the time of maintaining the power supply. In order to reduce the cost, the inferior power supply uses a capacitor with a lower capacity and a more unstable performance. This may damage the disks and heads of the mechanical hard disk in the event of a power outage.

The main capacitor of the cottage 330 ft. is only 193 microfarads
In general, the larger the main capacitor of the power supply, the better The main power capacitor rated at 500W should be above 270uF, and the main capacitor at 600W should be above 330uF. , and so on.
It should be noted that the main capacitor used in some cottages is also a cottage. The 330 microfarad capacitor is actually less than 200 microfarads.
Maximum power to eat chicken becomes fried chicken
The rated power of the power is the first parameter that most players choose the power supply, but in the cottage power, the virtual standard will make this method failure. The reason why the rated power instead of the simple power, in fact, is because there are many bad businesses to use here Word game to deceive consumers.

The rating plate on the rating plate should be optimistic
Rated power is the power output of a stable power for a long time, the power at this power can be sustained and stable output, which is the basis of our choice of power.

Only mark the maximum power of the power is not selectable
Some power supply manufacturers in order to mislead consumers marked the maximum power on the power, which refers to the power output in a very short period of time the peak power, the power at this power can not be maintained for a long time stable, if consumers according to the maximum Power to select the power supply, it is prone to failure, heavy damage to the hardware.

Power bombing is not a joke
Some manufacturers will choose the type of power supply 500W field, it is easy for white users mistakenly believe that the power of the rated power is 500W, while the power of the actual rated power is only 400W, this power is also easy to drive high-power hardware Problems, so be careful when choosing.
In fact, not only the election of power, we have to choose a good brand when choosing the hardware, by evaluating the data selection is a good way to buy from formal channels to buy, to avoid fake and shoddy products, inferior products caused by hardware damage and data Lost is worth the candle, not to suffer big losses.