Dynamic DR off the altar, township hospitals began to spread

Pharmaceutical Network January 26 hearing this morning in the Radiology Forum saw a message, quite surprising.
An ID is a radiosman, IP for the Guangxi area netizens released a message saying: 'Our hospital recently purchase Dynamic DR has been installed, this morning formally put into film.Original only in the first Affiliated Hospital of Radiology can see the dynamic DR, and now we also spend! 'From the users of the text, not difficult to feel excited, Hope.And behind this text, it highlights a fact that is full of expectation in the present but hard to believe: the dynamic DR is no longer a spring snow, it has come down from the altar, in Chinese medical institutions The largest number of township hospitals began to spread.
Recall the past: dynamic DR = high-grade hospital
Two years ago, dynamic DR and Union Hospital, Southern Hospital, these top hospitals in China are linked together, this natural connection is both the idea of ​​people's minds and underappreciated facts. This phenomenon is related to the product positioning and product technology in the initial stage of the dynamic DR entering the market.Firstly, the dynamic DR is a product that emerged as a demand for image diagnosis to meet the upgrade of high-grade hospitals, This upgraded diagnostic imaging requirement refers to the 30% misdiagnosis and missed diagnostic rate of X-ray and the more accurate imaging diagnosis, so the dynamic DR positioning is a high-end product whose price has also gone up and the terminal price is generally as high as 300- 4 million. And the price is not the result of hunger marketing, has also been in the market continuation; Second, the dynamic technology is the latest release of the most advanced imaging technology, clinical application of technology behind the research and development staff for several years of research , Experiments, so its high core technical barriers, leading to high barriers to entry. The core technology is only rarely Factory hands, the technology is enterprise The core competitiveness of the era, the company's core technical staff difficult to run away, the technology will not miss others. These doomed Dynamic DR is a 'precious' products.
Look at the present: township hospital Begin to popularize
A few years ago the terminal price stability in the 300-400 range of high-grade hospital exclusive products, did not expect to be able to popularize in the township hospitals. So there is the netizen exclamation. This is a huge change According to official statistics, there are already many regions in the country, including Jiangsu, Liaoning, Jiangxi and Yunnan, opened in 2017 Bidding Dynamic DR. More Guangxi, Sichuan, Anhui and other provinces in order to enhance grass-roots diagnosis and treatment capacity, mass concentration dynamic DR, has now been put into use in a number of township hospitals.Some people may wonder why these township hospitals can be fitted with dynamic DR A good product, especially in the field of medical treatment and salvation, can be maximized in value only if it serves the broadest grassroots people and there is no shortage of courageous individuals in order to maximize value And the team work together to promote thanks to the continuous improvement of China's scientific research capabilities, which is reflected in the national level, but also reflected in the enterprise level, some domestic enterprises have broken through the dynamic DR technology, it is no longer monopolized by oligopoly. , According to the core demands of different hospitals, enterprises have different configurations for dynamic DR, and township hospitals can choose the most suitable configuration products for their development needs, which also optimizes the utilization of market resources.
Looking to the future: the law of guidance, to full application
Products, like people's lives, go through cycles of formation, growth, maturity, and recession. In terms of products, they are going through a phase of development, introduction, growth, maturity and recession. Currently, Long-term. It is a high-grade hospital has been subjected to christening and validated products, radiation experts in the field of dynamic DR in the clinical application of a great deal of recognition .An increasing number of radiologists also have dynamic DR Deeper understanding, and a large number of new customers began to emerge, the current situation has appeared for the township hospital bulk purchases through the relevant departments of the visit and record, primary health care institutions feedback dynamic DR, department diagnostic capacity and efficiency has improved significantly, To meet the needs of a wider range of common and frequently diagnosed diagnostic needs in the grading diagnosis and treatment mode.Dynamic DR market is gradually expanding and it is foreseeable that this trend will continue to rise. In the future, this dynamic DR device will be more Wide area, more institutions have been fully applied.
Dynamic DR is beginning to popularize in township hospitals, a result everyone is willing to see, born with the responsibility to improve the diagnostic accuracy of radiological images and will eventually shine and heat in a broader dimension for the general public health convoy.
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