Quantum technology has opened up a new way for computer miniaturization.Fraunhofer researchers have recently developed a micro-magnetic field applied to the quantum sensor can be applied to the future of computer hard disk identification. Integrated circuits become more and more complex. The latest Pentium processors can now hold about 30 million transistors.
The successful development of a nitrogen atom-sized quantum sensor can be used in the future computer hard disk identification and brain wave measurement
The magnetic structure in the hard disk drive, which can be identified only in the 10 to 20 nm range, is smaller than that of influenza viruses between 80 and 120 nm in diameter. Fraunhofer applied the Institute of Solid State Physics (IAF) Developed by colleagues, this kind of quantum sensor can be applied to the accurate identification of computer hard disk in tiny magnetic field, which has only nitrogen atom size and the carrier material is artificial diamond.
The Fraunhofer IAF has been developing optimization devices for man-made diamonds decades ago, but the new quantum sensors require very pure crystals, for which researchers further refine their manufacturing process by purifying methane with zirconium filters Get super clean artificial diamond coating.
There are two ways to make a nitrogen-only structure: implanting a single nitrogen atom directly or adding nitrogen to the last step of the diamond growth. This time, the team created an ultra-clean lab by oxygen plasma etching The reason for this very fine diamond tip is the introduction of nitrogen atoms between adjacent vacancies in the lattice.The nitrogen vacancy center is the actual sensor that glows when exposed to laser beams and microwaves and changes in light as it approaches the magnetic field.
After optical measurement of electron spin resonance (NMR) measurements, the expert said the nitrogen atom sensor has the potential to be used as a very accurate and accurate magnetic field for detecting nanoscale magnetic fields. For example, it can serve as a quantum sensor to control the quality of hard disk drives and detect mass Flawed data in the data segment. Fraunhofer IAF expert Kristoff said the quantum sensor can also measure brain waves.