JTG developed a new spindle measurement system by utilizing the attractiveness of electromagnets. It can measure not only the spindle's standstill but also its related values (rigidity and intrinsic value) when the spindle rotates, and can correspond to all Spindle posture.
This system is the newest and original technology from JTG (* According to our survey), it can grasp the pre-press state and spindle characteristic during shipment, which can help to improve the spindle's reliability, development efficiency and performance Time-lapse visualization.
In the future, the measurement data of this system will be further used for the development of the spindle as a tool to support the diagnosis of spindle abnormalities and the optimization of machining conditions.

'Development Background'
The machine tool, which is called a working machine in Japan, means "a machine tool for making other machines," also known as a "machine tool." It has grown as an important basic industry in support of Japan's manufacturing industry. For the further development of machine tools, The spindle unit, one of the most important determinants of machine tool performance, is essential for the improvement in performance and reliability, so the bearings in the spindle unit play an important role.
'Preload bearing' is one of the important factors that affect the performance of the spindle.When the pre-pressure value is greater the higher the rigidity of the spindle, but there are also defects of high speed, heat, life, etc. On the contrary, the smaller the preload value, the more Conducive to high-speed, fever, life expectancy performance, but the rigidity will be weaker.
In order to make a spindle whose spindle tolerance is small, it is an effective way to reduce the tolerance of pre-compression.Generally, the measurement of the precompression management project is performed when the spindle is stationary, but the spindle that was originally machined is in high speed rotation The state, considering that the evaluation of the spindle performance should be carried out in a rotating state, so we started and developed the system.
(1) It is possible to measure the rigidity and intrinsic value of the spindle at rest
(2) It is possible to measure the rigidity and the inherent value during rotation
(3) By grasping the rigidity in rotation, it is helpful to get the optimal machining conditions

The use of electromagnet attraction, mandrel mounted on the front end of the mandrel (similar tools) with different frequencies to be vibration (radial, axial direction can be vibration in both directions.) Vibration through the sensor on the real-time variable Bit can be measured and measured at standstill, the spindle characteristics (rigidity and intrinsic value) of the machine tool during rotation can also be measured, and there is a possibility that the spindle performance can be uniformized by the application of preload management Spindle characteristics of the changes (such as: shipping and use 3 years after) 'these two advantages.
In addition, in order to support "spindle abnormality diagnosis" and "processing condition optimization" in the future, we will continue to promote the development of this system so that our system can support customers' product development (reliability improvement, adaptability verification, etc.) system.

<固有值的测量实例~ 主轴角度・旋转速度的影响~ >

KTE, the bearing brand of JTEKT, takes the concept of "Key of your operation" as a product concept, and is committed to working with customers to solve problems and make them a reliable partner for the development of various industries contribution.