Large-scale documentary "super project" is CCTV financial channel heavy launch of the program, has been broadcast continuously for many years in January 20, 2018 the latest broadcast of a focus on the nuclear group Hualong One overseas projects, about the Grand Works the story behind.
'Twins' project innovation move
Karachi, Pakistan's largest city center 25 kilometers away, China's third-generation nuclear power technology - Hualong-one overseas first-stack construction is nearing completion.
The largest nuclear power station in Pakistan, after its completion in 2020, will generate more than 18 billion kWh of electricity each year and will completely solve the power supply in Karachi and the surrounding areas and support one third of Pakistan's power shortage.
Mr. Kamran, who has been working here for four years as a Chinese employee, is the dirtiest person to take out from the jobsite, where he and his colleagues work 14 times a day, transporting a total of 1.6 million tons of mud in three years. Because of this unique mudstone landscape, architects all over the world have a headache problem.

The seemingly hard mudstone becomes extremely soft when it encounters water.Song Fengwei led the Chinese team to build the world's largest hard rock foundation for nuclear power plants on such a geological structure, with some 15 meters deep. Chinese engineers built a huge reinforced concrete cross valve base here, and countless steel bars were joined together with mating straight-thread connectors to ensure a solid foundation.
The cross-valve base of steel consumption amounted to 1,100 tons, while the entire nuclear island is the amount of steel is as high as 95,000 tons, more than the highest standard of domestic nuclear power consumption of 10% more than the amount of these steel enough to build 95 30-storey building .
In addition to using a lot of steel, but also to China's newly developed concrete formulations used here, so that the foundation is strong enough to resist earthquakes of magnitude 10 or more.
In parallel to the mudstone, another major construction project is on the horizon. Prefabrication of the nuclear island dome is on the other side of the site, and four months after the Pakistani worker Du Gang is welding the dome, the world's largest and heaviest The dome of the nuclear island should be hoisted here, the hoisting scheme has been completed, but whether it works well or not has to wait for the latest news from China beyond 2000 km away.

Hualong No.1 dome exactly the same as Karachi began to be hoisted in Fuqing, China, and the innovation of the twins project means sharing technology and going hand in hand with its global partners in the high-end nuclear power industry.
The workers are installing 16 39-meter-long hoisting ropes, each rope must have a force difference of less than 10% .Nuclear island dome 46.8 meters in diameter and a thickness of only 6 mm. Wind speed, wind direction changes easily lead to 16 Uneven root rope strain caused dome deformation, can not accurately fall into the top of the nuclear island only 10 cm wide guide groove.
Chief engineer Chen Guocai at this time are most concerned about is the wind speed changes once the wind speed of more than 9.8 meters per second, the dome will not be able to hoist. May 2017, the unpredictable wind speed at the seaside, often from 2 meters per second instant 13 meters, which is a severe test for Chinese engineers.With the cable and other lifting components, the nuclear island dome played a total weight of 524.6 tons.
Yang Jianguo, the general commander of the hoisting crane, is also on the scene, and despite the hoisting of thousands of major components of nuclear power, it is still a completely new challenge to complete the hoisting of the dome of the largest and the heaviest nuclear power station in the world at this time. On-site command, crane drivers and 45 lifting individuals, more than 200 installation workers tacit cooperation.
The moment when the dome leaves the ground is the most important.The crane driver must increase the force of 16 wire rope by 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% Within 200 mm, the only way to ensure that the dome is not deformed.
The dome was steadily lifted and reached the most critical hoisting position after it was confirmed to be steady at a height of 6 meters. At this point, the crane driver hoisted the dome 63 meters. The lifting of such a long stroke tests the stability and standard of the crane driver , Uniform.Crane movement, arm speed, direction, working radius and other parameters are determined according to the day's wind speed.
This is the most stressful moment for everyone on the site, with more than 200 installers already waiting at the top of a 43-meter-tall nuclear island, and more than 200 installers must work hard to equalize, otherwise the dome will deform, causing the entire dome to fail.
Some people hold the rope to prevent the dome from swaying and some people hold the dome by hand and fall to the appropriate position as the rotation.And like the fishing, the slightest shaking will cause the fish hook unable to align with the fish.In nearly 50 meters High altitude, the dome in the wind under the influence of any one mm of rocking may lead to the dome can not be precise alignment.
All experience comes from the accumulation of three generations of nuclear power generation.China is the only country in the world that has never stopped nuclear power construction in the past 30 years, etc. The dome falls into the card slot exactly and the lifting is successful!

Hoisting data from the Fuqing monitoring center has now been sent back to Karachi and local workers in Karachi are now preparing more skills for hoisting more than 5,000 Pakistani workers who have all been handed over to China by the nuclear island safety standards. Most of the workers were former local farmers and the fisherman did not even have a job, but now they are the first skilled nuclear workers in Karachi.
Safety and inheritance (transliteration), very much like the name of the Chinese master from China today is the first day of his official appointment. After training, he has mastered the nuclear island safety standards. Construction site, passing carefully examined each worker Protective measures are in place.
Hualong-1 technology has been exported to the United Kingdom, Argentina, more than 20 countries have expressed their intention to cooperate.From the infrastructure to technical equipment, China is contributing to human energy development.