Sandvik Coromant, a specialist in cutting and tooling systems, has introduced the CoroDrill® 880 CVD Diamond Coated Inserts, the GCN124 and GCN134 super-hard inserts, and the excellent aluminum drill to overcome the challenges of chip forming and chip evacuation when drilling non-ferrous metals. cut

CoroDrill® 880 CVD diamond coated insert material is specifically designed for non-ferrous metal drilling.
Sandvik Coromant, a specialist in cutting and tooling systems, has introduced CoroDrill® 880 CVD diamond coated inserts, GCN124 and GCN134, to overcome a variety of chip forming and chip removal problems associated with drilling non-ferrous metals. Extended tool life combined with innovative chip flute and slot designs ensure superior performance when cutting aluminum and other materials.
The challenge we face
"Drilling holes in aluminum is a challenging job," explains Patrik Pichler, Global Product Manager for Sandvik Coromant Indexable Drilling Tools, "the material's ductility and softness lead to its continuous, Prolonged contact with the cutting edge of the tool, resulting in the adhesion of the aluminum material to the cutting edge to form a BUE that makes chip formation and chip evacuation difficult.
GCN124 and GCN134 bring the advantages
The GCN124 and GCN134 diamond-coated inserts are engineered to provide the lowest single-hole cost for most ISO-N materials by extending blade life and increasing productivity, improving productivity by improving cutting parameters and reducing tool change and downtime At the same time, other benefits to our customers include: Increased tool life, longer tool life, less formation of chip and dirt, improved surface finish on the hole, and easier manufacturing operations. Reduced blade consumption also helps Reduce inventory, environmentally friendly.
Who will benefit?
Beneficiaries include automotive manufacturers such as cylinder blocks, cylinder heads, knuckles, housings, brake calipers, control levers, gearboxes, steering column covers and cardan for aluminum drilling and boring. , Diamond coated blades also provide competitive benefits to all companies that manufacture ISO-N parts, as well as smaller but more integrated applications companies such as the drilled GFRP rotor / blades in the wind turbine industry.
success case
With the CoroDrill 880 equipped with the new N124 (peripheral) and N134 (center) inserts drilled from a 6061-T6 aluminum alloy (90-100 HB) cylinder head with 22 mm diameter and 84.1 mm deep holes, the tool life was extended from 700 to 3024, or 332% longer life, amazing changes fully demonstrated the potential of this new material.The new blade allows to enhance the cutting speed, productivity can therefore be increased by 33% .Total savings of about 300 hours of production time, the overall cost of a single hole Reduce by 23%.
Similar success stories include the drilling of the 20-mm-thick AISi1Mg-T6 aluminum (150 HB) automotive front control rod through hole (22.5 mm diameter) with the new CoroDrill 880 diamond-coated insert increasing the tool life from 3,000 to 30,000 At the same time, due to reduced downtime due to tool indexing, productivity increased by 10% and hole costs by 17%.
in conclusion
GCN124 and GCN134 are now the material of choice for the machining of ISO-N materials and they fill the gap of Sandvik Coromant's original uncoated insert H13A but for shorter production runs and / or difficult intermittent cutting applications H13A is recommended.
The standard CoroDrill 880 product line includes indexable insert rotors 12 to 84 mm (0.472 to 3.307 inches) in diameter, with drill depths of 2, 3, 4, and 5. Use with Tailor Made custom service on Sandvik Coromant to order Intermediate diameter and length combinations, and a variety of interface types and sizes such as HSK, Coromant Capto®, or cylindrical straight shanks One of Tailor Made's custom service options is to design custom steps and bevel drills for specific parts.