Talking about 'Tainaike' people may only know it is a well-known brand of wall clothing, while the industry not only know the rise of the brand depends on the brave courage, but also from time to time it as a successful brand success stories to thin Read article--

Tainaike wall clothing brand was born in 2007, its boss is a rural venture into the city young people, relying on a good quality wall clothing single product, the rapid development of real estate in the outlet, Tainike wall clothing in the market also Get rapid development, the self-made wall clothing brand after just five or six years, the annual profit of $ 5 million to do as a from the rural entrepreneurs, Tainaike owner should feel fame and fortune to meet However, by the end of 2013, more than 100 manufacturers in the market have been producing and selling wall-hung products. Due to the strong demand for their products, many wall-mounted manufacturers are easily able to survive this high profit despite the large number of brands but their high prices. This one hundred manufacturers no reason Wallcovering market, 2013 Thinner's astonishing move, almost all manufacturers to close the industry walk! This year, TUNAK disclaimed every year easily earned five million profit, Cut prices across the board multiple, some high-end product prices have also been reduced by two or three times, as a result of those small-scale production of small wall-to-wall manufacturers only closed down, the rest of the industry less than ten manufacturers , Also in that year TUNAK low-cost market, became the industry boss jumped more than ten times in recent years, the wall garment industry has entered a lot of new brands, but TUNAK is still irreplaceable Industry leader.
A few days ago held at the 2017 Niankai Te franchisee dealer annual meeting, not only the famous host Li Xiang attended and served as brand ambassador, also conducted a new product launch conference activities, namely the launch of new products' Diatom mud '. It is reported that Tuncaik eyes on diatom mud market has been more than three years, they found that diatom mud is an environmentally friendly decoration wall materials, has a good indoor toxic and harmful gas adsorption, and thus subject to high-end Owners love, but diatom mud products also have their fatal deficiency, that is, the powder will appear on the wall and cracking, affecting the appearance of the wall, coupled with diatom mud production in recent years, a coax, diatoms Mud product prices all the way down, diatom mud operators in a dilemma.Tunaike for diatom mud products and the status quo of the market, to research and develop a powder can not crack elastic diatom mud, elastic diatom mud retained Diatom mud environmental performance, improve its cracking and powder off the disadvantage of the wall decoration materials in the field of replacement is unique, will bring new market demand and huge profits in the Tuen Nai elastic diatoms New conference site, wall clothing all over the country who have snapped up new franchisees.
The industry is very sensitive to new products into the market, elastic diatom mud as a new wall finish, franchisees to seize the market fishing tool, who occupy the market who will take advantage of the market advantage.At the same time, we also feel Tu Na Involved in the diatom mud market, according to its past style of doing things, in terms of many of the old products in terms of diatom really be careful, tunaek fear that the diatom mud market has changed.