In 2017, it will be an important year for China's room air conditioner industry. During this year, a number of policies and standards boots will be put on hold. The convening of major international conferences will not only make China's room air conditioner manufacturers further understand the international and domestic policies The situation also allows the international community to see the Chinese government and industry advocates and determination, and these will have an important impact on the future development of China's room air conditioner industry.
Stage II HCFC phase-out management plan for air-conditioning sector started
March 11, 2017 Phase II HCFC phase-out by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Territorial Sea and Oceans, the Environmental Protection Cooperation Center under the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China and the China Household Electrical Appliances Association, "Room air conditioners and domestic heat pump water heater industry Management Plan Launching Meeting 'was held in Shanghai. The holding of the meeting marked the official launch of phase-out of HCFC phase-out management in China's room air conditioner industry.

According to the requirements of the "Phase II HCFC Phase-out Management Plan for China's Room Air Conditioners and Domestic Heat Pump Water Heater Industry" approved by the Executive Committee of the 77th Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund, the second phase of China's room air conditioners and domestic heat pump water heater industry will be under Phase-out of HCFCs based on the first phase is expected to be cut by 20% at baseline by 2018 and by 45% by 2020, which is ahead of the original 35% reduction target for 2020.
While accelerating the phase-out of R22 refrigerants for HCFCs, the room air conditioner industry in our country is also faced with the choice of alternative refrigerant technologies. Taking into account the current trend of international and domestic policies, it has become necessary to select the R290, an ozone-friendly and environmentally friendly hydrocarbon refrigerant The second phase of China's room air conditioner industry will accelerate the use of R290 refrigerant and production line transformation, transformation of at least 20 R290 room air conditioner production lines, and three R290 compressor production lines.
Industry standards implementation
QB / T 4975-2016 Safety Specification for Air Conditioner for Household and Similar Use in the Production of Household and Similar Use of Flammable Refrigerants and QB / T 4976-2016 "Transportation of Flammable Refrigerant Room Air Conditioners", led by China Household Electrical Appliances Association Special requirements "two industry standards approved by the Ministry of Industry released in April 1, 2017 implementation.
These two standards set out the safety requirements, operating procedures, safety management and use of flammable refrigerants in air conditioners for household and similar use of flammable refrigerants, respectively Of the security requirements to make up for our country in the use of combustible refrigerant room air conditioner safety production and product transport standards missing, so that China's air-conditioning production line in the transformation and product storage, shipping process to follow, will help promote China Room air conditioner industry to accelerate the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants.
R290 International Symposium on Refrigerant Applications
April 11, 2017, co-sponsored by MEP Center for Environmental Protection, Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Household Electrical Appliances Association, UNIDO, UN Environment Program, UNDP, GIZ, China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association Room air conditioner industry R290 refrigerant application design, manufacture and installation of an international seminar held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province .This meeting invited representatives of Southeast Asian countries and the Middle East to attend the meeting, through the meeting to explain and to Oaks manufacturing plant in Zhejiang Jiaxing Nanyang Vocational Technology The field visit of the institute makes it understand the route of refrigerant alternative technology in China's room air conditioner industry, R & D and manufacturing capability as well as the operation of the products, and strengthens the confidence of the global room air conditioner industry in taking alternative routes of ozone-friendly and low-carbon refrigerant.

EU Fluorinated Gas Act Response Symposium
The EU is one of the most important poles in the global political and economic arena and one of the major export destinations for room air conditioners and domestic refrigerators / freezers in China. The EU's policy on the environmental protection of household appliances has been leading the global policy trend. The EU contains fluorine The Gas Act is a piece of legislation that has a significant impact on the global refrigeration and air conditioning industry.
On July 17, 2017, sponsored by China Household Electrical Appliances Association, UN Industrial Development Organization, UNEP, UNDP, and German Agency for International Cooperation, China Environmental Protection Cooperation Center for Environmental Protection, Technical Committee of the European Commission The EU Fluorinated Gas Act Response Symposium was held in Beijing at which the organizers invited the drafters of the EU Fluorine-Containing Gas Act to interpret the bill in detail.

The EU Fluorinated Gas Act requires EU member states to implement fluorine-containing gas production and import quota management, all imported HFCs pre-charging equipment will be required to authorize quotas as of January 2017, otherwise they will not be able to enter the EU market. The quota is also being reduced year by year and by 2018 it will be cut by 37% at baseline.
EU quota of fluorine-containing gas has become scarce resources, quotas less and less, the price is getting higher and higher, which means for Chinese enterprises that the threshold of export to EU is gradually increasing.If HFC refrigerant, China's room air conditioner companies will May lose the EU's vast market.China room air conditioner companies must recognize the situation, the use of more environmentally friendly low-carbon refrigerants in order to gain a foothold in the EU market.
30th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol
On September 12, the 30th Anniversary Commemorative Meeting of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer hosted by the MEP and UNEP and hosted by MEPCECC was held in Beijing.

In his letter of congratulation to the General Assembly, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council made it clear that the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol reached in 2016 has opened a new chapter in the history of synergies in coping with ozone depletion and climate change. China will continue to shoulder its due international obligations. Depthly carry out international exchanges and cooperation in the field of environmental protection and make new contributions to global ecological security. '
Minister of Environmental Protection Li Ganjie also made it clear in his speech that China should expedite the process of ratification of the amendment in Kigali and make adequate preparations for the implementation of the amendment and should promote the development and application of alternative green and low carbon technologies and vigorously develop the ozone layer Friendly, climate-friendly, energy-saving safety requirements of alternative technologies.
My government's position has indicated the way for alternative refrigerant in the room air conditioner industry in our country, that is, the alternative of green low-carbon alternative to the list of controlled substances in the Kigali Amendment. Only alternative technologies that meet this requirement are only Hydrocarbons Quality R290.
Air conditioning industry R22 alternative technology international exchange
On November 3, 2017, the room air conditioner industry, jointly sponsored by the MEPC Environmental Protection Cooperation Center, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Environment Program, the United Nations Development Program, the German Agency for International Cooperation and the China Household Electrical Appliances Association, International exchange of alternative technologies held in Hefei.

Refrigerant substitution is a common issue facing the global room air conditioner industry. After the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol was reached, the global refrigerant replacement direction for room air conditioners has become clear: both ozone-friendly and low-carbon environments.
China is the world's largest manufacturer of room air conditioners, each year the room air conditioner industry HCFC-22 alternative technology international exchange are the largest in the field of international seminars through this platform, our country room air conditioner industry to the international community to express our Technical claims - the use of natural refrigerants R290 as an alternative technology China's room air conditioner industry has been advocated by the international agencies, at the same time, through this platform for technical exchanges, but also help to unite the industry together to jointly promote the room air conditioner Application and Development of Industry Environmentally Friendly Refrigerants.
Kigali Amendment reached the conditions for entry into force
The international community reached the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol aimed at reducing potent greenhouse gas (HFCs) in 2016. As of 17 November 2017, more than 20 Contracting States ratified the amendment and the Kigali amendment came into effect Conditions, which will come into effect on January 1, 2019.

After the Kigali amendment came into effect, the developed countries will cut HFC consumption annually from 2019 and cut 85% at baseline by 2036; most developing countries, including my own, will freeze HFC consumption by 2024 , And cut from 2029 onwards.
On the surface, there is still a long time to freeze and reduce the consumption of HFCs in our country, but China is the largest exporter of room air conditioners in the world. Developed countries are the important export destinations of room air conditioners in our country. Failure to switch air-conditioning refrigerants and production lines in time will expose them to the risk of losing markets in developed countries and will also be disadvantaged in global competition.
Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Household Electrical Appliances Association International Prize for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
On November 23, 2017, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, at the "Ozone Layer Protection" ceremony in Montreal, Canada, Xia Yingxian, director of the International Department of MEP, Department of Home Appliances, China Household Electrical Appliances Association And Chen Jianming, a reporter from the China Household Electrical Appliances Network under the China Household Electrical Appliances Association, were awarded the Leadership in Ozone Layer Protection and Implementation Leadership Award, the Ozone Layer Political Leadership Award, the Ozone Layer Protection Partnership Award and the ' Best Media Outreach Award for the Protection of the Ozone '.

The international community praised China's Ministry of Environmental Protection and China Household Electrical Appliances Association for not only commending the great contribution made by the Chinese government and industry to the protection of the ozone layer and the ecological security of the earth, but also affirming China's technological line-up. This is of great value to the global implementation of the Montreal Protocol and The Kigali Amendment has a clear policy-oriented significance.
It is also worth noting that while accelerating the phase-out of ODS in the framework of the Montreal Protocol, the global HFCs with high greenhouse effect potential will need to be reduced according to the requirements of the Kigali Amendment. Global HVAC and refrigeration and air conditioning industry presents a huge challenge.China's room air conditioner industry using ozone-friendly and environmentally friendly low-carbon natural refrigerant R290 as a refrigerant alternative technology, but for this worldwide problem provides a reasonable solution. The praise of the international community, that is, China's air-conditioner industry, the technical choice of this recognition and praise.
IEC international standards revision made positive progress
In December 2016, the draft on the leakage of refrigerants formed by the IEC60335-2-40 International Standard SC61D / WG16 Working Group Meeting sponsored by the China Household Electrical Appliances Association was formed by the IEC International hosted by the China Household Electrical Appliances Association Standard revision meeting formed the first draft of the draft, and in 2017 completed the collection and processing of comments.
Until now, due to the lack of pressing international demand for combustible refrigerants, the lack of a systematic study of flammable refrigerants by the International Organization for Standardization has led to the extremely stringent restrictions imposed by international standards on the charge limits of flammable refrigerants. With the international community calling for the reduction of potent greenhouse gas (HFC) emissions and the amendment of the Kigali amendment, it is imperative to revise international standards to promote the application of environmentally friendly and low-carbon flammable materials.
WG16 working group is focused on the safe use of flammable refrigerants perfusion volume put forward a scientific and rational revision of our country as the world's largest manufacturer of household air conditioners, China should reform the standard has its own voice .In our government-related departments , China Household Electrical Appliances Association and home air-conditioning manufacturing enterprises with the participation of the WG16 Working Group has made many positive developments, is promoting the IEC international standards to the good flammable refrigerant refrigerant applications in the direction of revision.