Reader Miss Song: The recent outdoor low temperature, the use of household electric water heater, hot water is not hot enough or not, etc. Is there any way to improve the heating efficiency of electric water heaters in winter?
Appliance QA Yang Qiang: tap water in the winter temperature is low, into the electric water heater, electric water heater will soon be in the tank of hot water, so prone to electric water heater available hot water less phenomenon.
To improve this situation, we can adopt the following methods:
First, increase the water heater set the water temperature, if necessary, you can set the water temperature at the highest value.It should be noted that increasing the water temperature set point, to promptly inform the family to prevent them from the original water habits and Been scalded.
Second, try not to use hot water in the water heater or heating.If you need more people to take a bath or use hot water for a long time, it is best to arrange staggered time in advance to ensure that the electric water heater will heat the water in the liner to the set temperature.
Third, for energy-saving or semi-bile heating set electric water heaters, the winter can temporarily turn off the function. Fourth, when using the electric water heater, do not reduce or even close the water heater water.
Some people think that cold water into the less bile hot water will retain more.In fact, according to many electric water heater works, when the water heater less water, the outflow of hot water will be reduced or even stopped.