Although the final data have not yet come out, but for the Chinese washing machine industry, the 'bumper harvest' has been finalized in 2017. According to the first three quarters of the published information, we can see that from January to September China's washing machine market sales, An increase of 10.4% and 13%, the cumulative peak sales end of the year, the annual sales can be expected.

Harvest years
'Cold weather will stimulate people to buy washing machines, dishwashers and other' hands substitutes ', and end of the year more sales will form a small washing machine sales season,' Haier sales staff told us.
Excluding the end of the season factors, 2017 washing machine industry 'big year' formation, has its inevitable factors.
The macroeconomic situation is favorable, laying the general tone for 2017. China's GDP grew by 6.9% in 2017, maintaining a steady growth with a 7.0% increase in disposable income of residents. Appliance industry has brought a solid boost.
The real estate factor is an important force in the growth of the washing machine market in 2017. As the real estate is a barometer of the home appliance industry, the domestic real estate market warmed up from mid-2015 to the peak in March 2016, with an increase of 36% in sales area due to its impact Of the hysteresis, to July 2016, including home appliances industry, including air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, finally out of the doldrums, and ushered in a steady upward phase.
In addition to the real estate promotion factor, the biggest positive factor driving the laundry industry in 2017 will come from the 'replacement demand' of consumers. The previous sales peak in China's home appliance industry was from 2008 to 2013, including home appliances to the countryside and trade-in Etc. have accelerated the nationwide popularity of empty ice-washing products, while the life cycle of home appliances is generally 8-12 years, which is the beginning of the replacement cycle in 2017. From 2018 to 2023, replacement needs will come quickly , Forming a strong bottom effect .2017, 2018 is stable, in 2019 in the past, I guarantee you a few big leap forward. "Wei Ye Jun, general manager of white electricity business department predicted.
Runway switch
Wei Jun said: 'For the washing machine industry, 2017 was the year that the runway was switched off and started again, and this year saw a qualitative change in terms of scale, industrial structure and competitive landscape.'
He pointed out that compared with the air conditioning industry, the washing machine industry has entered the 'middle-aged' stage. "According to the national statistics in 2015, the number of air-conditioners per hundred households in urban areas in China is 155, 94 refrigerators, 92 washing machines, Set of housing corresponding to 2-3 air conditioners; and rural residents holding 39 air conditioners, 83 refrigerators, washing machines 79. From the growth potential point of view, the largest air-conditioning, ice-washing has been basically developed.Thus, we think , Air-conditioning is still in middle-aged stage, while ice-washing is in the middle-aged stage, which is to judge the premise of the development trend of the industry.
As a result, the washing machine has become the most stable product in the household appliance category. 'A house generally corresponds to 2-3 air conditioners and one ice-cold product. Even if the real estate market fluctuates greatly, the impact on the washing machine industry is less than that of the washing machine industry Air conditioning effects. '
Stable, then the industry to find incremental from the stock, which declared the turning point in the washing machine industry competition came.
'In the exchange with some small and medium sized washing machine enterprises, the common feeling is that the washing machine is now more tired.For the industry, an increase of 13%; but for the enterprise, some did not feel growth, and some even negative growth. Because the competition in the industry has changed.
According to the research of China Merchants Securities, the domestic market of washing machines can be divided into four levels: high-end, medium-end, mid-end and low-end, with a more comprehensive market coverage. Among them, the high-end market is dominated by foreign brands Siemens, Samsung, etc. Occupy. Haier, Little Swan and other domestic brands are in the high-end market; the same time, with domestic brands invested heavily in scientific and technological innovation, independent research and development achieved remarkable results, and gradually into the high-end market.Yi Kang data also proved this point, at present , The top ten brands in the washing machine industry accounted for 90.9% of the total market share, with the top five brands accounting for about 73.8%; Haier and Little Swan (U.S. Department of Pharmacy) duopoly held the first and second positions in the control market; The most high-end corner. 'All the industry's growth for the basic division of the top 10 brands, and the result of each big giants Bo is more tired of small and medium brands.'
The tide of shuffling intensified, so that the technological upgrading of enterprises, product iteration can not neglect.
An industry observer told us: 'Roller, is the first threshold to seize a small brand.' In Hefei Fair home, a number of small washing machine companies, its display products still stuck in the twin washing machine, appeared out of touch with the times; The slightly ability of enterprises, such as Jide, three years ago to send high-end certification or a high-end certification washing machine, and now vigorously launched the roller product line, 'every Jide CEOs to Beijing, never travel Sightseeing, keep in our product inspection room every day, see how we do the experiment, know how to do the rollers well, and now they also have the complete roller line.

A small business washing machine products
Drum, large capacity, frequency, intelligence, is the washing machine industry to upgrade the four directions, Wei Jun pointed out: 'home appliance industry has a catchphrase -' You will lose the refrigerator without wind cooling industry, you will lose the washing machine without the drum industry. ' The past two years, around these four directions, rapid planning of enterprise products, upgrades, iterations.
Into the new normal
Technology upgrades, improve quality and efficiency, a washing machine industry is facing a new normalcy.
Bosch Appliance Group Vice President Wang Weiqing China pointed out: 'The washing machine industry is about to enter a new era, not only to wash the net clothes, but also clean tube; not only to wash clothes, but also to wash curtains or quilts; not only to wash clothes Supple, but also healthy; not only to wash ordinary clothes, but also wash wool, wash silk; washing machine can not only laundry, but also automatically determine the material of the clothes, detergent dosage ... ... '
Around the consumer demand, personalized products, washing machine industry technology continues to escalate.In this process, the user can grasp the three major points, three small points.
Three points refers to the large capacity, drying and intelligence.
The large capacity mentioned here and a few years ago advocated a uniform linear capacity upgrade there are some differences, Wei Jun believes that the previously mentioned large capacity is 7 kg, 7.5 kg, 8 kg this steady upgrade, and now large Capacity upgrade has some trip, such as 9 kg and 10 kg can be shared platform, 8 kg can be upgraded directly to 10 kg, which is the industry's current mainstream upgrade trend, 12 kg is a large capacity logo. , We also have to start to think about the capacity upgrade is not unlimited, after 12 kilos, we want to start the same as Korean companies, start the 16 kg, 18 kg upgrade?
Drying, is expected to become the standard washing machine products for the future terminal .In 2017, single-washing roller sales increased -3.2% YoY, showing negative growth; while washing and drying machine increased 5.2% .Wei Jun believes that 'no product is up or down, appeared Negative growth, marking the drum industry into a mature stage, and mature markets appear, it is the breakdown of categories, a single wash down, drying stronger, we need to grasp the key for some time to come.
Smart, is the third focus of the industry upgrade.At present, the smart upgrade of the washing machine industry mainly around equipped with WIFI function and automatic delivery, the market in 2017 with WIFI control of the washing machine products already accounted for 31%, while with automatic delivery of products An increase of 15.4%. 'Currently, equipped with automatic drum washing machine in the fast-growing channel, and equipped with the function of the pulsator has declined from the market reaction point of view, consumers are low-end positioning pulsator, roller positioning Is high-end.While in high-premium products equipped with high premium features, market acceptance is good.We judge the intelligence is the future WIFI products quickly landing, and automatic delivery can be based on the brand premium choice delivery path.

New trend of washing machine consumption
On the three small points, the main focus on the washing machine market, namely mini, sub-tube and dryer.
According to Wang Zhao Lei, general manager of the business unit of the Beijing East Appliances Ice Washing introduced, Jingdong 8 kg drum average price of around 2,500 yuan, while the average price of mini washing machine 2881 yuan. 'Mini washing machine focus is currently on the heating function. Of the mini-wheel in the Jingdong sales growth of 24%, mini-roller increase of 33.9% .In the second child economy, health and washing demands, consumers will mini washing machine as a representative of the high-end, the terminal has a great advantage.And later, we More to see the development of mini drum.
From Haier's 'Gemini' drum in 2014, LG's Twins show up, more and more brands are participating in the tube wash, with explosions every year in 2017. At the 2017 'Red Top Award' presentation, including the Little Swan , Hisense, etc., also participate in the ranks of the tube wash.Wei Jun believes that the tube wash products out of the existing product competition, manufacturers have brought high-end differentiation and high premium and high barrier. Washing end of the average price may form a new dimension, independent of the drum, pulsator, single cylinder, two-cylinder outside another important classification.
The third major area of focus for the washing machine segment is the dryer, which, according to data from Zhong Yi Kang, showed a total sales volume of nearly 200,000 units and an increase of about 80% in sales volume in 2017. The average premium rate of dryers increased rapidly , Up from 4464 yuan in 2016 to 5917 yuan in 2017, up 35% over the same period of 2007. Meanwhile, the high-end heat pump products represented a significant increase of 76.5% in the entire structural framework. Come five-star experience, comfortable and healthy at the same time, also help to release the home space, the future or become a standard home appliances for middle-class families, 'Wang Weiqing said.
Migration channels
Customer diversion continues to be reflected in the washing machine market in 2017. Among them, e-commerce has become the major growth driver for washing machine sales. "The" Double 11 "promotion led to a significant increase in online sales of washing machines and a slight decrease in offline sales as compared with the same period last year. 'Double 12' online sales increased significantly year on year, offline sales increased year on year is limited. Washing machine online average price lower than the average price, but the overall industry average price was on the rise, which is the washing machine in the channel new Trend. "Ormet cloud network vice president Guo Meide pointed out.
The migration of users plays an important role in the decision-making of the washing machine enterprises. Different consumers have different preferences in different regions, and online and offline consumers have different preferences.

Jingdong washing machine user portrait
From the user portraits of Albatron Cloud Network, the traditional population growth in the three northeastern provinces slowed down. However, with the rebuilding of its new industries and real estate recovery, the home appliance industry is also recovering while they prefer Japanese and Korean brands, There are also South Korea and South Korea flowers products; keen on the European and American brands in the region, including Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Shanghai and other regions, at the same time as these regions are more developed economy, high-end drum washing machine to accept a higher degree; in Ningxia, Hunan , Hubei, Xinjiang and other places, users prefer domestic brands, while wetting and smog promote the promotion of washing and drying machines, drying and drying machines and drying machines have entered a period of rapid growth in Guangdong and Southwest China.
'With the upgrading of product structure and the development of the industrial chain, single and double cylinder has slowly withdrawn from the stage of history. Such products have been extremely low profits, manufacturers should be decisive to withdraw from the market and offline sales of some brands of products Poor, but there is good performance on the farewell.Area, stratified users, rather than a one-size-fits-all sales strategy, will become the business in the next few years need to be filled in a lesson.