Figure 1. Corresponding point analysis model

Figure 2. Compression air energy storage system thermometer - mechanical diagram
Electricity storage plays a key role in such fields as large-scale renewable energy access, peak load shifting in power system, distributed energy system, smart grid and energy Internet, etc. It has drawn more and more attention from domestic and foreign scholars. Among the energy storage technologies, the physical energy storage system has the advantages of environmental friendliness, good economy and large scale, and has broad application prospect.Traditional optimization analysis methods of physical energy storage systems usually analyze system processes one by one and often ignore energy storage The energy relation between the process and the energy release process, it is difficult to clearly reveal the energy coupling relationship between the processes. In the system optimization, there is also a problem that it is easy to ignore this problem and it is difficult to achieve global optimization.
Through the physical energy storage system process analysis found that it has strong correspondence, such as the pumped storage system water level rise and the water level down process, heat storage system energy and heat release process, compressed air storage system, air compression and The expansion process and the acceleration and deceleration process of the flywheel energy storage system flywheel; meanwhile, not only the process symmetry but also the system parameters also have a strong correspondence.Therefore, based on the corresponding characteristics of the physical energy storage system process, the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences The research and development center takes the complicated compressed air energy storage system as an example, and creatively proposes the corresponding point analysis optimization algorithm (CPM), and extends the method to the physical energy storage system.
As shown in Figure 1, there is correspondence between the process of compressed air energy storage system, the symmetrical process of the process is called the corresponding process, the symmetrical point of the process is called the corresponding point, and the model divides energy storage process and energy release process into N One by one, to form N corresponding processes (as indicated by the dashed box in the figure for the i-th correspondence process) and N + 1 corresponding points. In order to clearly express the conversion and transfer characteristics of 㶲 in the system, Compared with the traditional optimization analysis method, the corresponding point analysis optimization algorithm has the following advantages: it can clearly reveal the energy transfer mechanism between energy storage and energy release process; Thermal coupling process; help to get the direction of system performance improvement and optimization.
By using the corresponding point analysis and optimization algorithm, the efficiency of compressed air energy storage system was improved by 9.2 percentage points. The research work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Basic Research Development Program (973 Program), CAS Key Research Projects, Beijing Science and technology project support, related research published in Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Applied Energy and other journals.