Blockchain is definitely one of the most important keywords on the Internet in 2017. The virtual currency represented by bitcoin is a product created based on blockchain technology or a piece of valuable data with identity or recording.
Since it is based on the blockchain, it must follow the digital signature encryption and decryption, the process is mining.
January 15, TT author said that after a wide range of practices, the single card the most capable graphics card is the NVIDIA's Tesla V100.
With 5,120 CUDA cores and 640 Tensor core sizes, the Tesla V100 has an area of 815 square millimeters, 21 billion transistors integrated, half-floating-point performance of 30TFlops, single-precision 15TFlops, double-precision 7.5TFlops, and Tensor deep learning performance of 120TFlops , With 16GB HBM2 high bandwidth video memory.
Currently, BuriedONE dug Ethereum with V100 efficiency of 94MH / s (94000000 hash operations per second).
In contrast, Vega 64 generally between 38 ~ 42MH / s, overclocking TITAN Xp stable at 40 ~ 42MH / s.
Of course, a Tesla V100 sold for $ 8,000.
Why do not consider here to return the issue, the miner said, in fact, after buying a card is usually very few people go to actuarial hardware expenditures, while the main consideration of efficiency and power consumption Moreover, mine card itself is not bad, are enough residual value.