Was named "a notorious market." Alibaba's platform management department said in a public statement today: "Based on the rise of trade protectionism, Alibaba has once again become a victim of the highly politicized U.S. environment."
Ali complained that the list of "bad names markets" in the United States only targets non-U.S. countries. "In fact, it is no longer a matter of intellectual property protection but a tool to achieve the objectives of the U.S. government's trade policy."
Every year, the United States publishes the "Special 301 Report" by the end of April, and at the beginning of the year it locked the protection of intellectual property rights to determine the list of "notorious markets." Not only did the Chinese enterprises make the annual list, but they also made up the list.
Ali had accused USTR of selling fake goods in the past, but violently counterattacked this year. Alibaba Group CEO Michael Evans said in a statement today that in the past year, Alibaba.com brand actively took off the infringing products. As of the end of August 2017, Alibaba initiative to remove the number of links to infringing goods, brand owners 28 times the number of complaints, of which 98% of the initiative to delete the goods, has not been any transaction.
From September 2016 to August 2017, the number of registered users on Alibaba's IPR platform increased by 11% year-on-year, while the number of complaints requiring the removal of goods dropped by 25% over the same period.
Alibaba emphasized that the improvement of intellectual property protection processes and measures, including the implementation of a 24-hour shelving and establishment of the Alibaba Anti-counterfeiting Alliance with some of the world's leading brands, has brought the number of participating brands to 30.
Bethune stressed that today's decision by the USTR turned a blind eye to Alibaba's efforts and contradicted the protection of intellectual property rights, saying "the driving force behind the atrocities list released by the USTR has deviated from its original notoriety This sharp weapon in the market also lost its momentum. "

Alibaba Group CEO Michael Evans said in a statement today that Alibaba was listed as a victim of a highly politicized environment in China and the United States.

Alibaba countered USTR today, referring to the effectiveness of Ali's joint efforts with the company in taking the initiative to remove infringing products for the past year.