Damour, who filed a class action suit against Google
Recently, a Google former engineer named James Damore was fired after he filed a class action suit against Google in the Santa Clara High Court in northern California on the grounds that Google discriminated against white men and women Executives also do not welcome white men's point of view.

▲ Darmore on January 7 in Quillette interview on Google's discrimination against white men
Among them, Dammore's class-action lawsuit represents all Google's male and white male employees who have been discriminated against because of their "political reservations." In his opinion, it is Google's 'pluralism, bias sensitivity, social fairness and justice' Led him to be fired in August last year, in addition to dismissal reasons, Dammore also believes that the number of hired men in the process of Google's recruitment restrictions, and the limit is precisely because Google did not hired Full-time female employee or minority employee.He pointed out that in the key areas of some of Google's projects, some female employees did not have the ability to take responsibility but entered the project by women's gender identity.

▲ Damore broadcast live on Twitter
Beijing on January 8, the case was held in the Santa Clara High Court in northern California trial .Marmo also live on Twitter, you can see there are many people who support him.