CPU Vulnerability patch old platform turned brick | AMD Response: Positive solution, never hurt the performance

Microsoft recently confirmed that for the Windows system, including the Win7 / Win10 distributed CPU bug fixes will lead to some AMD platform system can not start, so the delivery of nine patches to terminate urgently.

For reasons, Microsoft said that it is due to their own chipset technology documents and the actual situation is not due, is working with AMD to solve.

According to Guru3D reports, AMD also responded to this matter this morning -

AMD is already aware of this, as some older processors are unable to enter the system after they have been patched with a Microsoft security update patch, and both are working together to resolve it as soon as it is available.

In the meantime, AMD emphasized in a statement that the patch addresses the Bounds Check Bypass, a Variant 1 attack in the Specter vulnerability, rather than the Variant 3 'Rogue Data Cache Load for the Meltdown vulnerability Cache loading).

Combined with previous AMD assertions that their products were completely immune to the Meltdown vulnerabilities due to architectural design, there were no problems at all, and the performance impact was minimal even with the blocking V1.

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