American Plastics Industry Association, the latest data analysis shows that the US plastics market is optimistic about the future.
The Washington, DC-based trade association released its 2017 size and impact report in mid-December and the group also hosted a webinar on the report, which was run by Bill Carter, chief executive officer and chief executive The scientist Peike - Pineda presided over.

At the seminar, Carter Oaks said: 'Plastic still accounts for a large share of the U.S. economy and is still climbing to record highs. Some macro issues affect the market, but we are still able to develop and innovate in a new and lasting way '
According to 2016 figures, the U.S. plastics industry employs 965,000 workers, an increase of 1% from 2015. The industry's output in 2016 was 404.4 billion U.S. dollars, down 3% from 2015. Pineda pointed out that the cost of raw materials Lower and cheaper oil and gas are the reasons for the drop in output.
Pineda added he expected the real value of the plastics industry in the United States to grow by 2.2% in 2018 and 2.5% in 2019.
Both Carter Oaks and Pineda agree that changes in U.S. tax policy will have a positive impact on the plastics market, especially allowing manufacturing companies to invest in machinery and equipment, but because Mexico and Canada are the industry's two largest trading partners, they are not interested in North American Free Trade The possible changes in the agreement are also worrisome: In addition, the skill gap and the opiate crisis in the plastic workers in the United States are also negative factors in the U.S. employment market.
For each state, California offers 77,000 plastic jobs, winning last year's top position in Texas and becoming the most-employed state in the plastics industry in the United States. Ohio won 75,200 jobs Second, Texas with 74800 jobs, relegated to the third.
According to employment concentration, Indiana ranked first, with 16.5 plastic workers out of every 1,000 non-farm employees in Michigan, followed by Michigan with 16.3 plastic jobs.
In addition, the American Plastics Industry Association Equipment Statistics Committee reported in mid-December that North American plastic machinery shipments in the third quarter of 2017, up 20% over the same period last year.This data marks the second consecutive year in 2017 increase.
According to the report, the output value of plastic machinery, including injection molding and extrusion equipment, totaled $ 350.8 million in the third quarter, up from $ 291.3 million in the same period of 2009. The association said that blow molding machinery was not included in the third quarter A slight increase of 4% from the 337.7 million U.S. dollars in the second quarter of 2017.
Bill Wood, founder of Peak Economy Research and editor of the plastics press at a news conference, said: 'The uptrend in output of plastic equipment in the United States will reappear in the third quarter of 2017 after reaching a high point in the second half of 2016 '
Wood said 20% of quarterly earnings are unsustainable, but he predicts that the plastics industry in the United States will be stronger in 2018 than in 2017.
He said: 'I still expect that the potential economic fundamentals of the United States will be even stronger and global demand will also improve in 2018.