In people's kitchens, there are many restrictions on conventional frozen food thawing methods, which take a long time and require somebody's attention, it is difficult to achieve the effect of complete thawing and uniform temperature, and food safety will be affected. This simple method, which takes a long time and may require somebody's attention, can also cause the risk of bacterial contamination by placing the food on the countertop or in the water The surface of the food is exposed to temperatures conducive to bacterial growth, whereas normal microwave thawing is used to accelerate thawing, which often results in uneven thawing and uneven heating and cooling.In addition, with the passage of time, an ordinary microwave oven can lose some of its available power, So that the thawing time, thawing effect decreased.

Robert Wilson, Principal and Cofounder, Arizona Culinary Institute, said: 'We've witnessed the evolution of smart kitchens, and the NXP Smart Thaw Reference Design will apply these advances in the field of food thawing so that the thawing process no longer needs to guess the thawing schedule , Unfrozen thawing does not completely lead to the risk of contamination with bacteria.
The NXP Smart Thaw Reference Design is a fully engineered subsystem solution that allows OEMs to quickly bring differentiated appliances that incorporate this unique capability to market without extensive engineering. This solution makes it possible to monitor and adjust the mode of operation in real time, helping to ensure the energy transfer efficiency and effectiveness throughout the thawing cycle, which is important as the properties of the food will vary with the temperature of the food NXP Smart Thaw Solutions also minimize user intervention, automate operations, liberate users, and eliminate the need to monitor thawing results. NXP Smart Thaw Solutions are electronic solutions that are reliable, compact and Economy and other advantages, but also to ensure consistency of results.

Paul Hart, senior vice president, NXP RF Power Business Unit, said: "Previous attempts to introduce smart thawing technology have failed due to their size and cost." Although smart kitchen appliances are still in their infancy, NXP We have, and will continue to work on, the introduction of the necessary components and reference designs for specific applications to ensure that these applications deliver their full potential. "The introduction of this solution puts us a step closer to this goal."
NXP Smart Thaw Reference Design includes a compact RF energy controller module with integrated NXP components, an intelligent tuning unit (STU), several electrodes, a shielded cavity, and a reference power supply unit (PSU). To obtain this reference design , Appliance OEM customers can buy permits directly from NXP, but also from the NXP accessories partners to buy subsystem components. Time to market NXP intelligent thaw reference design will be limited to the first quarter of 2018 market, the second quarter of 2018 comprehensive The Smart Thaw Reference Design will be on display at CES 2018 in the form of a tabletop kitchen appliance at the NXP booth CP-25 at the Central Plaza Las Vegas Convention Center.