In terms of shipments, AUO's overall large-size panel shipments in December, including more than 9.42 million such as LCD TVs, desktop monitors and notebook computers, were 6% lower than in November. The shipment volume came to about 16.25 million units, an increase of 6.2% from November. The cumulative volume of large-size units in Q4 2017 was around 28.65 million units, down 1.5% from the third quarter and up 1.2% from the same period of 2016.
For small and medium size shipments, small and medium size shipments in the fourth quarter of 2017 exceeded 46.66 million units, up 0.3% from the third quarter and up 31.4% over the same period in 2016. In total, large-size shipments for 2017 Compared with 118.1 million in volume, up 1.2% from 2016. In 2017, the volume of small and medium-size shipments was around 166.85 million units, up 9.7% over 2016.
As for the group creation part, Genesis said its consolidated revenue in December 2017 was NT 27 billion, down 1.1% from its revenue in November 2017 and a decrease of 15.9% from the same period in 2016. Total, 2017 Q4 consolidated revenue was NTD 79.1 billion, a decrease of 11.5% from the same period in 2016, representing a decrease of 0.5% as compared with NT 795 million in revenue consolidated in Q3 2017. In total, for the full year of 2017 Revenue was NT $ 322.2 billion, an increase of 14.7% from the 2016 full year revenue of NT $ 287.1 billion.
As for the volume of shipments, a total of 10.58 million units were shipped in the first quarter of this year, down 0.2% from November 2017. Consolidated shipments of small and medium size totaled 25.89 million units, compared with 2017 In the fourth quarter of 2017, a total of 30.52 million pieces of large-size combined shipments increased by 2.8% as compared to 29.96 million pieces in the third quarter of 2017. Total combined sales of small and medium-sized units were Reaching 73.7 million units, a decrease of 3.1% from the 76.06 million units shipped in Q3 of 2017.
Taken together, a total of 116.19 million consolidated and large-size combined shipments were generated in FY17, representing an increase of 5% as compared to the 106.69 million units shipped in the full year of 2016. As for small and medium size panels, 2017 The total consolidated shipments for the year totaled 207.78 million units, an increase of 20.4% from the 242.88 million units shipped in 2016.