Fitness What are the benefits of eating eggs? Follow Xiaobian look!
Egg long muscles after eating it?
Eating eggs after workout can help long muscles, because many of the nutrients inside the eggs can help long muscles.
An egg weighing about 50 grams, containing 7 grams of protein, fat 6 grams, can produce 82 kilocalories, the amino acid ratio is very suitable for human physiological needs, easily absorbed by the body, and the utilization rate as high as 98% Phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B are high, and they are all the best ingredients for long muscles.
In addition, a large egg yolk contains 4-5 grams of fat, which is also a heart-healthy, unsaturated fat that is rich in vitamin B that breaks down fats, helps repair cell membranes and helps muscle growth.
What are the benefits of fitness eating eggs
Supplement high quality protein
Protein is the material basis of all life, and the absorption and utilization of protein in eggs is higher than that of rice, porridge, bread, etc. The protein digestion rate of shelled hard boiled eggs is as high as 99.7%, which can be absorbed and utilized by almost all human bodies.
Increase satiety
Eggs not only provide the body with enough protein, but also can delay the gastric emptying speed, prolonged postprandial feeling of fullness.
Help to lose weight
Eating eggs for breakfast reduces lunchtime and calorie intake for the whole day, which means less food can be consumed during the day, less calories burned, and weight gain control.If you have high cholesterol, an egg is The amount of a day. You can choose to eat only protein, so cholesterol is zero.
After eating a few eggs fitness
According to the study, 18-25 year-old female fitness, in the blood lipids, cholesterol and other indicators of the normal premise, you can eat two eggs a day.
Fitness Suitable for people of all ages, fitness the best addition to the amount of eggs intake of meat intake according to the increase, but also to distinguish according to age, usually 1-2 days a day to eat the elderly, young people eat every day 2, heavy manual workers, eat 2-3 a day, children's metabolism fast, can eat 2-3 a day.
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