January 9 Intel chief executive officer Cogicchi made a keynote speech at the 2018 CES held on January 8 in the Western United States, where he spoke to the industry about the recently reported security research findings.
Section then odd said:Before we begin, I want to take this opportunity to thank the industry as a whole for another to come together to address the recent safety studies that have been reported as Meltdown and Specter. '
'It's amazing how so many companies are working together to address this industry-wide, multi-processor security issue across multiple industries. "Security is the top priority for Intel and the industry as a whole. Therefore, our decisions and discussions The main focus has always been on how to protect the data security of our users. '
'So far, we have not found any use of these potential issues to obtain user data.We are working day and night to solve these problems to ensure the safety of user data. To ensure that your data is always secure, the best practice is to release the update as soon as the operating system provider and the system manufacturer release any updates. '
'For our processors, within a week, Intel is expected to update more than 90% of the products launched in the past five years, while updates for other products will be released before the end of January of this year. We believe these security updates The impact of performance is heavily dependent on the workload, and we expect some of the workloads to be more affected by others, and we will continue to work with the industry as a whole, gradually moving to these workloads Minimize the impact.