Cracking will greatly reduce the hardness and reliability of ceramic materials.Japanese researchers have developed a new type of ceramic materials that can quickly heal cracks, the future is expected to be used in aircraft engine materials and other fields.After Japan's Yokohama National University researchers A special ceramic material that can heal itself after a series of oxidation processes at 1200 to 1300 degrees Celsius.
To make this ceramic material self-healing faster at lower temperatures, researchers at institutions such as Yokohama National University and the National Institute of Materials Science found that adding very small amounts of manganese oxide to the ceramic material can greatly speed up the ceramic material So they successfully developed a new type of ceramic material that can fully heal up to 1 minute at 1000 ° C. It is expected to be applied to aircraft engine materials and other fields in the future.
The research results recently published in the British "Science Report" magazine online.