Air-conditioning noise is the noise emitted by the air-conditioning system during operation, including noise generated by the fan escaping into the room and regenerative noise at the end of the air duct. The noise generated by the fan is tuned noise resulting from the air hitting the surrounding air when the vane rotates A random noise caused by eddy current.Analogical axial fan noise spectrum is wider, centrifugal fan noise low frequency component is larger, then how to detect it?

Air conditioning air outlet
Air conditioning is the main source of noise is the air conditioning outlet, when the air conditioning is turned on the greater the wind speed, air conditioning, of course, the value of the noise will gradually become larger, which is the main source of noise air conditioning one of the sources.
2. Air conditioning panel loose
Air conditioning panel loose.When long-term use of air conditioning, the air conditioning panel is easy to loose because of various reasons, so that the vibration of the air conditioning operation will make the panels rub each other, resulting in noise.
3. Air conditioning indoor unit installation
If the indoor unit is not installed properly, when the outdoor unit is in operation, the copper pipe will be connected to the indoor unit, and the indoor unit will not be stable enough to receive the air conditioner's actual use and noise Compressor effects, resulting in indoor unit resonance.
The compressor is running
Air conditioning outdoor compressor.This is one of the sources of air conditioning noise, the compressor noise is too large will affect our normal use and rest.