About this car, Li Shufu at 2018 and the Island New Year Forum so introduced this car for some of the first to get rich new consumer demand, to meet their needs for a better life, we use this car in Sweden to go Pick up the Nobel Prize winner.This car is electric, only three seats, one seat less endless imagination, this is not only the urgent needs of users, but also a great innovation of the new era.
How did this car come about? We had a feeling of sitting in the back when riding the car, the front seat was very distressed and the legs did not stretch comfortably, so I talked to Volvo's CEO about taking the front seat Off, and then design a thing, you can put your feet, you can lie down and rest.
But considering this is too wasteful, and now the cell phone meeting screen is too small, you can turn it into a video conference here.Considering the busy business people now, rushed to the scene of business activities on the road, can a slight scraping beard, Department What's the tie?
So the front turned into a mirror.Now people have a lot of important documents, people once left the car, important documents have to hold, can it be turned into a safe? There are people sitting in the car no place to put shoes, Can it be turned into a shoe? People also health, can it be heated, let your feet on the warm pedal when? This car was born three cars.

In addition, people also want to enjoy two things:
First, the air inside the car must be the same as the forest, after entering people feel very refreshing, not full of haze and harmful gases.
The other is the sound, people sit inside, the sound must be the same as the sound of the opera house.
So the car made a three-way sound system, say you wanted to listen to the radio and put it in the studio mode, the sound of that radio was just as effective as sitting in a CCTV studio; say you want to Listen to a solo singer, then put the solo stage mode, with the singer singing in front of you is the same effect.In short, the less one seat, more than infinite comfort and convenience.

The car's information is safe, although all can be connected to the network, but the protection of information security is very tight.Whether the car where the information is usually under the absolute confidential and can not be easily stolen as well as you sit back Row, in front of no matter how many the camera, it is difficult to shine you, and without the blockade of vision, giving a vast, free sky, a feeling of pleasure.This car developed for 4 years, according to the customer Customized production needs, the third quarter of next year can be delivered to users.