On January 5, on the eve of CES, January 5, Kim Hyun-Hyun, president and chief of the CE division of Samsung Electronics, delivered an editorial titled 'Today, Let's Make All Things Connected,' according to the Internet of Things (IoT) is an industry hotword elaborated.King Hyun 奭 stressed that so far, the interconnection between devices is still too scattered, consumers are complex and difficult to use.He said, "a world of interconnected things should not be like this, it Should bring convenience to consumers and make daily life easier. "Meanwhile, Kim Hyun-won revealed that Samsung will showcase at CES and share the breakthrough made in the Internet of Things in recent years, which will bring consumers easy and intuitive Internet of things experience.

The following is the editorial:
For those of us who work in technology and related fields, each year should start with a period of self-reflection, but with the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (CES) on schedule, it is also time for professionals and tech enthusiasts to share and look forward to the latest technological innovations.
Over the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been the hottest term in the industry thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT) drawing a beautiful blueprint for us to seamlessly connect multiple devices and technologies because we In everyday life there is a need to interact with different devices and technologies, from smartphones to smart TVs to Family Hub refrigerators and even cars, but despite the promise of the future, the Internet of Things and related technologies are still evolving In the process, it may take a few years for a beautiful hope to become a reality.
At CES 2018, our goal for Samsung is to showcase our efforts to change the status quo, and from today we are working to make the all-internet dream come true.
Looking at the diverse electronic devices consumers need to use in their everyday lives, each device needs to be set up differently, remembering different passwords, learning and managing different interfaces, and these invisible barriers make the Connected Experience It's extremely difficult.
In response to this situation, Samsung decided a few years ago to take some steps to change.In this year's CES, we will share the innovation breakthroughs that will enable consumers to have a relaxed and intuitive IoT experience, including Including seamless connectivity between any device through a single experience.Of course, achieving this goal requires an integrated ecosystem to manage all of your devices, with close and fluid synchronization to provide support.
The connectivity experience we are going to introduce is also driven by a personalized, intelligent interface that is as easy and convenient to use as a toggle switch in order to ensure that consumers fully tap the full potential and energy of this connection. , So leapfrog innovations will really make all things happen and it will not work behind closed doors.As one of the members of the largest IoT standardization body, the Open Internet Foundation (OCF), Samsung has been in close contact with its industry partners Cooperation.I will also further share the relevant content at the show.
So far, the interconnections between devices are still too fragmented, and the consumer experience is still complex and difficult to use, more accurately, unusable.However, a world connected by all things should not be so, it should be for consumption I am very excited about the convenience and daily life easier and in a few days we will share with you some of the ways Samsung achieved this vision at CES 2018.