Plugable introduced a new product, a 480GB external SSD, the most important feature of this SSD is equipped with a thunder and lightning 3 interface.
This SSD speed can reach surprising 2400MB / s read, more than 1200MB / s write This speed makes it easy to edit video even on an external SSD.
The new SSD achieves speeds well above the lightning 3 interface at speeds up to 10Gbps for USB 3.1 Gen 2.
With Intel exempting third-party vendors from using Lightning 3 license fees, a Thunderbolt 3 interface with a maximum speed of 40Gbps is bound to usher in a widespread storm.
Jason Ziller, general manager of Consumer Services at Intel, commented on the combination of Plugable's new product and the Thunder and 3 interface:
On the one hand, Plugable's new hard drive maximizes the performance and speed of Lightning 3; on the other hand, Lightning 3 also maximizes the performance of such drives. '
For compatibility, this drive is compatible with all PCs and laptops that use the Lightning 3 interface, including the latest Apple MacBook Pro.
Plugable's 480GB lightning 3-interface SSD will be available in the first quarter of 2018.