Specter and Meltdown two security vulnerabilities, Intel's CPU almost paralyzed, although the official stressed that these vulnerabilities have not been exploited by hackers and mastery, but the impact is indeed not small, all mobile phones, PCs, systems all move, the manufacturers are busy Out of the rescue program.
However, AMD was the most calm in the storm, as the statements they made indicate that AMD chips are currently under threat due to their different architectures from the other chips.
Yesterday, Intel's solution was to push out new patches for the CPUs released in the past five years, but not to recall the chip. Then the company's share price continued to fall. As of Thursday, Intel shares dropped 5.2% in two days, Evaporated 11.3 billion US dollars.At the same time, AMD shares rose 10.4%.
Industry analysts believe AMD is likely to find it a marketing advantage due to the different architectures used by AMD and no vulnerabilities so far, especially in the data center market, where the former has a 99% market share.
AMD's dramatic increase in server market share was not without it, with the company reaching 26% of its share in 2006. If AMD is able to take a 10% or 15% share of the data center business, its revenues may It will add billions of dollars.