According to the latest news from the website of the Ministry of Commerce, on December 22, 2017, BiTMICRO Corporation of the United States filed an application with the U.S. International Trade Commission under the section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, accusing the United States of having exported to the United States Imports or US sales of solid-state storage drives, Stacked Electronics Components, and their products (Stacked Electronics Components, and Products) infringe its patent and request the U.S. International Trade Commission to issue a limited exclusion order and a prohibition order Lenovo Group Such enterprises involved.
The so-called '337 Investigation' was named after Section 337 of the U.S. Tariff Act of 1930 and underwent several major revisions, according to which the ITC has the right to investigate charges of infringement of patents and registered trademarks and to conduct Misappropriation of trade secrets, infringement of commodity packaging, imitation and false advertising, etc. "337 Investigation" includes not only foreign enterprises but also US local enterprises.
According to the relevant procedures, the ITC must set the target date of the final ruling after 45 days and start the investigation as soon as possible after the '337 investigation' is started. Usually, the case will be decided within one year. If the involved enterprise is convicted of a violation of section 337 Terms, the United States International Trade Commission will release the exclusion order and prohibition order for the relevant products, which means that the products involved will completely lose their access to the U.S. market.
In 2012, 12 companies such as ZTE, Huawei, Samsung, HTC and LG were investigated by the United States 337. In 2013, Lenovo and MediaTek in China, LG and Samsung in South Korea, Nintendo in Japan, Panasonic and Toshiba in 7 Home businesses have also been 337 investigations.
Earlier, Xinhua News Agency reported that China has become the country with the most investigations for 337 for 13 consecutive years.In addition, according to the Economic Observatory's data collation and analysis, the United States found that the "337 Survey" of China started in May and January, June is also the month of high incidence of investigations. The proportion of the total 337 investigations initiated by the United States in the survey against China also rose markedly, from 29.4% in 2015 to 40.6% in 2016 and reached 48.1% in 2017. The United States '337' survey is intensifying the investigation of Chinese goods.