Procon-SP, the state's government agency in the richest and most populous state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, said in a statement that they have notified Apple that Apple has 10 days to provide this information.
The agency said Apple employees refused to sign the notice, but Procon said the company has been notified.
The agency did not say what would happen if Apple did not comply with the rules, but it has the right to take legal action against the company for its losses to consumers.
Brazil's Apple press representative did not respond to requests for comment.
Apple apologized for handling the battery issue on December 28 and said it would make some changes to its customers after the company said it is set to start offering iPhone 6 or later beyond the warranty of $ 79 this month from $ 79 Down to 29 dollars.
In the United States, Apple has already started the battery replacement program ahead of schedule.