The continuous price hikes in memory have made Samsung unusually happy and near-monopolistic market position, of course, making more profits than others. In order to prevent competitor's counter-attacks, especially domestic manufacturers, they have invested tens of billions of dollars R & D expenses, hoping to kill all competitors in innovation.
According to Yonhap news agency reported, Samsung's operating profit in the fourth quarter is expected to get 16 trillion won, equivalent to 15 billion US dollars, an increase of 73% .This profit is also a new record for Samsung Electronics, and in the third quarter of last year, Samsung Electronics won 14.53 trillion won Operating profit, equivalent to 136 billion US dollars
Samsung's profit continued to record a record, its contribution to the abnormal semiconductor sector, its operating profit in the fourth quarter will reach 10.8 trillion won, more than double last year.
As the largest memory and flash memory chip maker, Samsung is the biggest beneficiary of this wave of sustained memory price increases, while they are also occupying a monopoly on the OLED screen, such as this year's iPhone X-screen Samsung is the exclusive supplier.
Although the smart phone is not the main profit point of Samsung, but the high-end mobile phone market, Samsung and Apple formed a global binary monopoly, gains substantial profits. PS: But the most bitter or smart phone manufacturers, profits have been earned memory manufacturers .