Memory price gains are not easy to stabilize, and this was turbulent video mining stir turbulence began to show signs of full price, and now the motherboard has come!
Prior to the news that Asus internal has decided from January 2018 onwards, the implementation of its graphics card across the board price increases, AMD, NVIDIA products rose 30-500 yuan, 30-200 yuan, other manufacturers are likely to follow up.
According to Bo Ban Tang exposure material, Is ASUS, has been verbally notified to the national channels, since January motherboard products have also been basically determined across the board price increases, mainstream models rose 5-20 yuan, low-end models rose 5-10 yuan!
Asus is now the unshakable first motherboard, market share of nearly 70%, once the price hike to the market is hard to predict exactly.
Asus motherboard is not yet clear the exact reason for price increases, but in the near future, as the motherboard raw materials, epoxy resin, resistors, capacitors and other components have substantial price increases, and insufficient supply of production, a month ago it was speculated that the motherboard will Inevitably ushered in a big price increase, and now it really fulfilled.
PC market in this doldrums, continued to decline, so one after another non-stop price hikes, it is necessary to completely do it?