Yesterday afternoon, Charm Blue phone official announcement of new products, saying 'Perhaps the only such 18: 9 new products to throw their voices'. Poster shows that the new machine will be officially released January 4.
Last week, the model M712C / 712M / 712Q (corresponding to three different versions) charm blue new machine has appeared in the Ministry of Industry network license website.Related page information shows that the machine uses a 5.7-inch screen, measurements size is 152 × 72.54 × 8mm, built-in 2930mAh battery, dual card dual standby.

From the exposure of the spy photos, the charm of this new machine will abandon its own signboard mBack Home key, using the design of the side of the fingerprint. Estimated price of around thousand, directly with the red rice 5 series competition.
Core configuration, is said to be equipped with Samsung Netcom Exynos 7872 six-core processor, providing 3GB + 32GB, 4GB + 64GB two memory versions.
Earlier, Li Nan has been competing products that screen full screen 'pseudo-full screen', do not know what charm Blue Charm will surprise it?