Earlier Samsung launched SMARTgirl Limited Edition for Galaxy S8 in Spain, but the limited production of 7000, many users think it seems too much production, lost the meaning of limited edition a few days ago Samsung announced the famous Korean artist Han Seung- woo co-launch Special Edition Galaxy Note8, it is truly rare.
Named Galaxy Note8 x 99AVANT Limited Edition, the world's limited edition of 99, in addition to having the handset designed and signed by artist Han Seung-woo, even the theme of the phone system has been redesigned, and the package comes with a 69 x 45cm Han Seung-woo board, each phone will have an 8-digit code, allowing users to authenticate the phone.
This limited edition of 99 Galaxy Note8 x 99AVANT Limited Edition, will be sold exclusively in South Korea, priced at 199.1 million won (equivalent to 12,000 RMB).