In Snapdragon 845's conference, Qualcomm in addition to releasing the processor, but also confirmed one thing, they will strongly support the Android Go system, with this support, before using those old cell phones Xiaolong processor will be in the near future Use Android 8.1 system.
Qualcomm also stressed at the conference, in the low-end Snapdragon processor support Android Go system project is ready, but after their debugging, you can promote to the user, let us experience the new system.
Android Go can be seen as a lite version of Android 8.1, the relationship between the two is not independent of the existence of the more accurate positioning is designed for 512MB or 1GB of memory designed for mobile phones, the system simplifies a lot of unnecessary retention, so that the old Mobile phone running smoothly, is the first one, at the same time to experience the core function point. The idea is indeed good, and Google and Qualcomm are also hard to promote, so that some older Android phones, and then three years of problems nothing.