Most families like to drink soup after going into winter, the family ate warm and, often do not forget to add some ginseng, Chinese angelica, wolfberry and other make up supplements for their winter supplement.
For hypertensive patients, the normal diet is sufficient, winter does not require too much nutritional tonic, often if not for hypertensive patients for their tonic will not enhance physical fitness, but also makes the blood pressure is not conducive to the control of the disease.
For hypertensive patients, after entering the winter should adhere to a light diet, salt control within 6 grams per day, cooking oil 20 to 25 grams, 250 grams of milk, meat 50 to 100 grams, 400-500 grams of vegetables, fruits 100 grams, 3-4 eggs a week, these nutrients are sufficient to provide the normal physical needs of patients, appropriate to eat some fish and beans.
Most hypertensive patients are accompanied by a certain degree of overweight, not only does not require tonic, but also pay attention to food intake control, weight control. Indeed for special reasons need appropriate nutrition tonic should seek advice from the attending physician.