A recent NBC News survey found that at least 44% of cellphone users love to place their cellphone on a pillow while sleeping, and many scientific studies caution people that such bad habits can easily lead to cellphone radiation that hurts the brain and Other organs in the body may even increase the risk of diseases such as brain cancer.
According to a recent paper by Dr. Jonathan Summit, a professor of mobile phone radiation at the University of Colorado, a professor of cell-phone radiation research, statistics indicate that cell phones are unhealthy when placed on the pillow, although in theory cell phones do not cause cancer. He said: 'Cell phone radiation is a low-energy' non-ionizing radiation 'and is not' ionizing radiation 'that can damage DNA and cause cancer. However, exposure to this radiation environment impairs brain function easily and we believe that long- Placing the phone on the pillow increases the risk of brain cancer.
Dr. Joel Moskowitz, director of the Family and Community Health Center at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health, said that placing a cell phone on the child's pillow is more likely to harm the brain. Both the blue light and the radiation emitted by cell phones inhibit the secretion of melatonin, Disrupt normal sleep, long-term so will damage the normal brain function.Experts claim that caution is not harmful, prevention is better than cure.