The author was informed on December 26 that the project of "Development of Ethylene Cleaner Valve" declared by Lanzhou Petrochemical Machinery Factory of Bohai Equipment Company passed the examination and approval of the project of Science and Technology Bureau of Xigu District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, and received financial support.
Bohai equipment company Lanzhou Petrochemical Machinery Factory in the large-caliber high temperature valve research and development has a solid strength in the maintenance of the vinyl purifier valve inspection has also accumulated a mature experience. This independent research and development for the ethylene purifier valve has created favorable conditions.
It is reported that large domestic large-scale ethylene plant clearing valve (cracked gas valve) is still dependent on imports, the prevalence of high equipment costs, long repair cycle, expensive and other unfavorable circumstances. Bohai equipment company Lanzhou Petrochemical Machinery Factory professional and technical personnel through market research Research and project evaluation that, ethylene purifier valve localization has broad market prospects.
For the smooth progress of the project, Lanzhou Petrochemical Machinery Factory sent technical personnel to Lanzhou Petrochemical ethylene plant several times to collect the necessary parameters for R & D such as the public project conditions of ethylene purifying valve and clarified that the project relied on the assessment target equipment to promote the project Laid a solid foundation.
The project of "Development of Ethylene Purification Valve" is planned to complete prototype manufacturing by the end of 2018, and will be put into industrial application in 2019.