Earlier this month, Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 845, the next-generation flagship mobile platform that now has specifications for the next-generation midrange chipset from Samsung, including the Snapdragon 670, Snapdragon 640 and Snapdragon 460.
From the chip name can be seen that these three chips is actually Xiaolong 660, Xiaolong 630 and Xiaolong 450 successor from the specification table can be seen, Xiaolong 670 and Xiaolong 640 biggest improvement is the use of And Xiaolong 835 the same 10nm process technology, which means that their performance has not only greatly improved, but also to further extend the life.
Snapdragon 670, Snapdragon 640 and Snapdragon 460 integrated GPU units are Adreno 620, 610 and 605. Xiaolong 670 and 640 support rear 13 million pixel dual camera, or a single 26 million pixel camera, Snapdragon 460 Only support a 21 million pixel camera.
In addition, the recent revelations @Roland Quandt also disclosed Qualcomm is testing the Snapdragon 670 platform configuration, including support for 6GB LPDDR4X memory, as well as 64GB eMMC5.1 body storage, rear 22.6 million pixel camera, front 13 million pixel camera .