Cold headache how to do? Nasal congestion, headache, dizziness and other symptoms, cold headache how to do? You may wish to come with me to understand.
Cold headache how to do the headache
Neurological headache
The reason for a cold headache is that neurogenic headache is caused by a virus that causes a cold and causes pain and dilation of the blood vessels in the peripheral inflammatory substances in the body. The blood vessels expand and stretch to stimulate the peripheral nerves of the vascular pain. This can cause headache in a cold.
Pathogenic headache
Other causes of the disease can also cause a cold headache, for example, upper respiratory tract infections affect the paranasal sinuses, causing nasal headaches.
Cold headache coping methods
Exercise training
Moderate exercise, exercise, can regulate the vasodilation of the head blood vessels function.Jogging early every day, breathing fresh air, to ensure adequate sleep, maintain a good attitude, to maintain a comfortable mood, to relieve the cold headache miraculous.
Keep quiet and airy
Reduce the headache caused by contact with the stimulus, such as television, computer light, strong rhythm sound, to avoid the harm of noise, at the same time, to ensure that the rest of the room was well ventilated, so as to be able to fully and quietly in order to help restore health.
Hot water foot bath
Every night with a little hot water temperature soak 15 minutes, the amount of water to be submerged ankle, the best soak your feet redness, so as to ease the headache effect .Head of headache most of the time will be congestive, at bedtime Do foot bath, you can guide the blood back to the foot from the head, to cool the head.
hair dryer
Use the hair dryer to heat the scapula at the dorsal part of the human body to the upper part of the scapula between the air vent and the skin to make the skin slightly red and avoid the scald of the skin.