Patients with eczema suffer from redness, itching and scaling problems. Topical steroid ointment can relieve symptoms, but may have side effects, long-term use is dependent. "Prevention" magazine summarizes the natural remedies to reduce the symptoms of eczema.
Probiotics Probiotics not only benefit intestinal health, but also improve the condition of the skin, eat probiotic foods such as yogurt, kimchi, yoghurt, etc. Proper use of probiotic supplements such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium), can maintain the balance of intestinal flora, reduce systemic inflammation (including skin inflammation.) Pregnant or lactating women taking probiotic products, can effectively prevent infant eczema.
2. Coconut oil.Studies have shown that application of virgin coconut oil to affected areas twice daily for 4 weeks can improve the skin's erythema, exudation and other symptoms.Coconut oil can kill Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria may be caused One of the causes of eczema.
3. A fish oil. A study published in the Journal of the British Journal of Dermatology pointed out that patients with eczema were randomly divided into two groups, the first group taking 5.7 grams of fish oil capsules daily, the second group taking the same dose of placebo for 8 Weeks.As a result, symptoms in the first group of patients were significantly improved.
4. Acupuncture Chinese medicine theory that eczema caused by the accumulation of body heat and moisture.A study published in the Journal of Allergy, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of acupuncture points associated with pruritus of the skin, the symptoms improved significantly.It is recommended to the regular hospital Chinese medicine treatment.
5. Wet compress. "European Journal of Dermatology" published an article pointed out that patients with severe eczema wet compress on the affected area helps to itch and repair cuticle.Another study showed that patients with eczema during hospitalization using wet compress therapy After the symptoms were significantly reduced.