The hardware market will grow from USD25 million in 2016 to USD4 billion in 2021 and software will grow from USD950 million to USD11.776 billion.
ARtillry, AR / VR market information and analytics vendor, said the current AR-based consumer-based head-mounted AR devices, such as smart glasses, are not yet mature enough to offer features and style that meet the needs of the consumer market. , The growth of the consumer AR market will be dominated by the AR software market based on mobile devices such as smartphones.
Estimated With the introduction of Google ARCore and Apple ARKit, the number of Android smartphones compatible with ARCore worldwide will grow from 75.1 million in 2017 to 3.584 billion in 2020; iPhone compatible with ARKit will also Growing from 434 million in 2017 to 673 million in 2020. These handsets are providing a solid foundation for the growth of the AR App market.
In this context, although the size of the global consumer AR software market in 2017 will decline to US $ 419 million from US $ 950 million in 2016 due to the fever of Pokemon GO, since the game app has established a good software profitability Business model, so in the Niantic new Harry Potter novels based AR games App listing in 2018, together with other vendors in the AR App development, predicts that the global AR software market will be back to 8.46 billion US dollars , And will grow all the way up to 2021 again.
As for the hardware device part, it is estimated that by 2020, when the manufacturers such as Apple have introduced the head-mounted AR devices, the hardware market will start to grow substantially to 2.5 billion USD in 2020, and the market size will grow to 40 in 2021 The proportion of consumer AR hardware devices in the overall consumer AR market will also climb sharply from just 2.6% in 2016 to 25.4% in 2021.
With the advent of new hardware devices, software developers who originally developed AR App for mobile devices will also switch to apps for the new AR hardware devices, so the software market will not be stalled due to the introduction of new hardware.