In a letter of apology, Apple announced a solution that would change its battery replacement price from $ 79 to $ 29 for endorsed iPhone 6 or later handsets from late January to December 2018.

Bank of China, the replacement price of batteries will be lowered from 608 yuan to 218 yuan, a decrease of 390 yuan, this policy can be regarded as very favorable.
As we all know, the replacement price of third-party batteries are currently around 100 yuan, only cost 218 yuan will be able to replace Apple's official after-sale batteries, is relatively cost-effective.
If your model is iPhone6 series, iPhone6s series or iPhone7 series, think cell phone battery life is not enough, then may wish to spend 218 yuan to Apple's official sale to your cell phone for the original battery.
The following is the full text of Apple's apology letter:
To the vast number of users on the iPhone battery and performance instructions
We've been listening to user comments and feedback lately about how we handled iPhone performance on earlier batteries and how we deal with this approach. Some users are disappointed with Apple, and here we My heartfelt apology There have been many misunderstandings on this issue, so we would like to clarify one of them and explain to everyone the changes we are making.
First and foremost, we have never, and never, by any means, deliberately shorten the useful life of any Apple product, without sacrificing the user experience to force everyone to upgrade the device. Our goal has always been to create Much loved by the user products, and as long as possible to extend the life of the iPhone, which is an important part.
Battery life
All rechargeable batteries are easy-to-use components, their performance will be reduced with chemical aging, storage capacity will gradually decline.While the battery charging time and frequency are not the only factors that affect its chemical aging.
For example, placing the device in a hot environment or charging it in a hot environment will cause the battery to age faster, these are the chemical properties of the battery itself and Lithium-ion battery industry-wide commonality.
The ability of older chemistries to handle peak loads is also declining, especially at low battery states, which in some cases can cause the device to unexpectedly shut down unexpectedly.
To help users better understand the iPhone's rechargeable battery and various factors that affect battery performance, we released a new support article, "iPhone Battery and Performance."
Undoubtedly, this sudden unexpected shutdown is unacceptable.We do not want any user to miss a call, miss a photo opportunity, or affect any of their other iPhone experiences, and we want to try to avoid this from happening .
Prevent accidental shutdown
About a year ago, a software update was included in our push of iOS 10.2.1 to improve power management at peak load, avoiding iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and iPhone SE Unexpected Shutdown In this update, iOS manages the maximum performance of some system components flexibly when needed to prevent unplanned shutdowns. These changes are not usually detectable, but in some cases users may Found that some app startup time longer, some performance weakened.
The feedback from users on iOS 10.2.1 is positive as it successfully reduces the chance of an unexpected shutdown, and with the iOS 11.2 update we've also extended this support to the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
Of course, if the battery is replaced with a new battery has been chemically aging, and under normal circumstances, the iPhone will return to normal performance.
Recently received user feedback
This fall, we started to receive feedback from some users who found that the performance of the iPhone slowed in some specific cases. Based on our experience, we initially thought it was a combination of these two factors: When the operating system As you upgrade, the iPhone has new software installed, updating the application for a normal, temporary impact on performance, and minor bugs that have been fixed in the initial version of the system update.
We now believe that the continued chemical aging of older batteries on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s is another factor affecting these user experiences, and many of these devices are still using the original battery.
Resolve user concerns
We've always wanted to extend the life of our iPhone as much as we can. "Apple is proud to have its products durable and well known for their long-standing value.
To address user concerns, appreciate their trust, and give confidence to anyone who may have doubts about Apple's starting point, we decided to take the following steps:
Apple will be replaced after the warranty period The price of the battery is reduced by RMB 390 yuan from RMB 608 yuan to RMB 218 yuan.This will target users who need to replace the battery with iPhone 6 and subsequent models worldwide from 2018 The end of January lasts until December. Detailed event information will be announced at apple.com/cn in the near future.
At the beginning of 2018, we will release an iOS software update with new features that give users a clearer picture of the health of the iPhone's battery, allowing users to see first hand how their condition has affected their performance.
As always, our team is committed to making the user experience better, which includes ways to improve our performance management and to avoid unexpected shutdowns due to battery aging.
For Apple, the trust of the user means everything, and we will strive to win and cherish the trust we are committed to. Only because of your belief and support will we be able to carry on this work we love .We will never Forget this or take it for granted.