According to Mysmartprice, Snapdragon 660 is already known as the mid-range SoC monster and the new generation of Snapdragon 670 will be even more powerful. According to Roland Quandt, a German blogger, the Snapdragon 670 supports 4 / 6GB LPDDR4X memory and 64GB eMMC 5.1 flash storage unit, Quad HD screen, 22.6 megapixel rear camera, and 13 megapixel front camera.
So far, the majority of smartphones equipped with Quad HD screens are supported by the Snapdragon 800 series chipsets, and the Snapdragon 670 will be available in 2018 to support mid-upper class phones with Quad HD screens and high resolution dual-lens.
The Snapdragon 670 is said to have six cores, two of which are Kryo 360 high-performance cores and four power and energy efficiency cores, according to rumors that the Snapdragon 670 is powered by DynamicIQ technology and is expected to use Samsung Electronics ) Of the 10-nanometer LPP manufacturing process, thanks to the advanced process thanks to the Snapdragon 670 performance is expected to be greatly enhanced.
However, the Snapdragon 660 is not widely available at present. Only a handful of smartphones sold on the mainland market, such as Mi Note 3 and Oppo R11 from Xiaomi, can Snapdragon 670 help Qualcomm win more orders from large smart factories ), The answer will be seen in 2018.