Nine girl and your daily conversation: 'Nine girl, I want to thin thigh!', 'Nine girl, there is fat on the stomach, I want to have a thin stomach!', 'Nine girl, I will birdie legs, how do you see ?
Really, I do not know ...
Do you really think that local thin down feasible? Reality? Local slimming, in fact, is a pseudo-proposition ...

Q: 'Local weight loss, is it feasible?'
A: 'It's not feasible!'
The human body is a whole, a single part can not play all the functions alone which part of the practice much more, does not mean that this part of the fat consumption faster!
Nine girls with your favorite thin thighs, for example, when you are tired of bed nose simulation simulation cycling, you actually consume some nutrients in the body!
These nutrients, in addition to the thigh muscle muscle glycogen stored inside, other nutrients are dependent on the blood transmitted from the body! For example: different parts of the body fat consumption after the product: glycerol and oxaloacetic acid (I feel heard Gospel there ...)
So the question came, obviously I practiced the thigh, why do not consume the fat near the leg to supply nutrients, by the way my little bird's life long wish?
The reason is simple, because there is no nutrient transfer channel between your thigh fat tissue and muscle tissue!
There must be a matchmaker between them, oh, no, it's the medium!
This medium is the circulatory system. The system has a little axis. It does not matter whether you are near or not, it just manages to disperse the collected nutrients throughout the whole body circulation. I do not know, I hope it is close Fat consumption of leg fat to get some share of delivery to my share of painstaking!
It caused me obviously want to consume thigh fat, it just took the nutrients consumed by the fat of my arm to me, so I pedal a bike for two weeks, and then lose weight; made three weeks of sit-ups, and then thin legs .... Life, is so, impermanence ...
Remember that every sport you do is consuming your whole body fat, and which part consumes a little more, all depends on your talent and physique.
However, a variety of 'local weight loss' exercise is not so useless, many are for all parts of the strength of practice, action in place, then the shape or helpful.